Bury the hatchet

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Hello, wonderful people. :)

If you're reading this... thank you for sticking with me on this journey.

There are approximately three chapters left, then this story is finally complete.

Thank you for reading my work, and the amazing reviews.

The remaining chapters will be posted every Tuesday or Wednesday starting this week.

So, finally you will have the ending of 'Two hearts, one soul.'

Thank you once again...

OK, now onto the story! ;)

Let me know what you think of the chapter?



"Adon Papadakis..." was the name that left Andreas' lips, his eyes wide.

He barely said those words, when all of a sudden it became pitch black in the whole mansion.


Ana gasped softly, when all the lights went off." Christian?" she whispered.

"Stay right where you are, Ana" she heard him say." I'm coming to you"

It was then, when she felt a delicate hand grab hers... It was Demetra.

"Don't worry, Ana" she heard the young, gorgeous woman say.

Christian closed his eyes, and focused for a few moments. And when he had opened them again, his eyes had that familiar yellow color, and now he was able to see in the dark.

"It's like wearing night vision goggles" Parthenios had told Christian, when they both were barely sixteen." But much cooler of course... our secret weapon, cousin"

"Parthenios, use your secret weapon..." he demanded, and saw Ana standing next to the young woman.

"Got it, cousin" Christian heard him say." I'll uncuff Andreas first, then we'll deal with Papadakis"

Christian grabbed Ana's other hand, and said." Gotcha"

Ana sighed in relief, and gripped his hand tightly." Christian, what will we do now? Where's Taylor?"

"Well, well, well... what a lovely reunion, both cousins in one room" they all heard someone say." I thought you left the Phoenixes', Grey..."

In response, both Christian and Parthenios took their stance, ready to attack.

"What do you want, Adon? You want me?!" Christian barked, while loosening the grip Ana had on his hand." I'm right here! Come and get me!"

"Christian, noo" Ana uttered, her heart pounding inside her chest.

At this moment, she was absolutely terrified, cause Adon was the one who had given the order to kidnap Christian, and kept him as a prisoner like a wild animal!

Chills went up and down Demetra's spine, when she realized she and the others were sitting ducks!

She held her trembling hand up but wasn't able to see it, because it was so dark in the room...

Two hearts, one soulWhere stories live. Discover now