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"Who can ever love an inhuman thing, a monster?"

Christian immediately let go of her face and turned his head away. Ana was so confused; the thought of the man in her vision turning into something inhuman made chills go up and down her spine.

"Christian?" she whispered, not understanding what just had happened.

He still had his head the other way, refusing to look her in the eyes.

"Look at me, please? I... I don't understand what just happened. I just saw myself?! No, it wasn't me... it was Agathe... she was pregnant and... and Soterios... he... he..." she managed to say but couldn't finish her sentence.

Ana shook her head and grabbed Christian's face, making him look her way. And when he did look up at her, all she saw in his eyes was pain... and sorrow and a tad of bitterness.

She caressed his cheek, while Ana let her tears flow freely.

"Christian, please. Tell me. What's going on? I... I don't understand. And I see it in your eyes that you know. Tell me?" she pleaded.

Christian saw confusion in her eyes and also love. She felt love for him? Oh, he wanted to. He desperately wanted to tell her everything. He wanted to tell her that Soterios didn't disappear during a storm at sea, but that he left Agathe because of the curse ( family secret), because he turned into an inhuman thing and was terrified to hurt his unborn child and wife, and that he himself also was capable to turn into that 'thing', that monster.

He wanted to tell her, because she wanted to understand it all. But... He shook his head. No... it was best if she didn't know. Cause like she just whispered minutes ago: "Who can ever love an inhuman thing, a monster?"

At the moment Ana purposely brushed her fingers against the skin of his face, attempting to get a reaction from him.

"Christian? You can tell me. Does it have to do with that horrible man in the forest, the day you were attacked? Cause I remember him asking me for help. He asked me to break the curse? Who is he? Is he family of yours? Cause he sure looks an awful lot like you. And where is he now?" Ana asked, not her intention to bombard him with those questions.

But she couldn't help but ask so much, because Ana really wanted to know. She still didn't believe in curses, but that creep in the forest did and so did Calinico and Galya. Ana just wanted to understand, and wished that Christian would open up to her...

Christian thought very hard at that, his brain working overtime, but he came to the same conclusion every single time. He should not tell Ana. His heart told him to, but his head told him no! And the way her fingers were brushing against his skin, didn't help either. It was like she had him under her spell. He wanted to pull away, but he didn't have the strength to do so. So Christian just sat there, quietly without saying a thing to Ana.

"Christian, do you also believe that the curse is real and that I can break it?" she whispered.

She was afraid to hear his answer, but Ana wanted to know if he too believed...

At that, Christian swallowed hard and knew that they were now on very dangerous grounds. If he would tell her now that he did believe, will she think that he purposely lured her in? Cause that was not true! Will she think that this whole time, he has been tricking her to like him? Will she think that he did all of this so he could use her? No... he didn't want Ana to think that he was this calculating, controlling jerk. He'd rather have her hating him for being distant again than that she thought that he had misled her into liking him. The last thing Christian wanted was for her to think that he purposely wanted to use Ana.

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