How is that possible?

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Oh, God! Is it really her? Has she finally returned to Tinos?

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A long time ago Christian's grandmother had shown him a book. In it, was a picture of her! And... they had a painting. How is it possible? She looked exactly like the picture in that book. But how? The legend, is it true? The curse, is it true also? Christian's mind was on overdrive! He never believed in those stories. But right in front of him, was standing a gorgeous woman of flesh and blood, who seemed to fit it all. Was she the one?

The second Ana felt her hand connect with his, she also felt something. It was like she knew him from somewhere? But she has never met him before in her life?! While looking in his eyes, she immediately felt a connection. And in those beautiful eyes she saw a very good man before her.

She didn't understand it! How can she possibly know what kind of man he was inside? But she just knew. In his eyes, she also saw pain. An unbearable pain that he has been living with his whole life, so he build a strong wall around himself, not letting anyone in. He tried to hide it, but she saw a good but broken man before her.

"Okay, Mr. Grey. Can I have my hand back now?" she asked softly.

Her father was watching them both and saw something going on between them. 'Oh boy' he thought.

"Oh, sorry. Of course." Christian replied and placed his hand in his pocket. He was totally knocked out by his 'discovery'.

They both took a seat, while Ana nervously ran her hand through her hair.

"So, what do you think of Tinos so far, Miss Steele?" Christian asked.

"Oh, please. Call me Ana." She said with a smile on her pretty face.

"Okay, Ana." He replied.

Ana's father watched the two and felt like a 5th wheel. He really didn't expect them to click right away. To be honest, he wasn't expecting them to click at all. Sighing deeply, he decided to accept it. There's nothing he could do to prevent what's happening right now. There was no way.

"Well, up until now I love this place! Thank you for inviting us, Mr. Grey." She responded.

"Christian." he corrected.

"Oh, yes. Christian. Thank you." She said.


They had a very nice dinner. The food was amazing; Ana enjoyed Grecian food. After dinner, they talked a bit more, while Mr. Steele drank a lot of wine. At one point, Christian and Ana laughed, cause her father was drunk and almost fell asleep at the table.

Christian helped the older man up the stairs and laid him on his bed. Ana thanked him and walked him out.

When they were in the hallway, he looked over at Ana and noticed that she was furrowing her brows.

"What is it, Ana?" He asked curiously.

"Well, this afternoon I walked outside the hotel to take a picture of the church nearby. And I saw an old woman. She was looking at me, like she recognized me and she called me Agathe. It was so weird! I told her that my name was Ana, but she insisted that my name was Agathe. She grabbed my hands and squeezed it tightly, saying that I have returned. She kept holding onto me and said a prayer. She was thanking the Gods for bringing me back. Do you... maybe know what that was about?" she asked, genuinely concerned.

Christian sighed deeply and closed his eyes for a few seconds.

"So you do know." Ana stated.

"Yes, I do. But I have to show you, cause you're not going to believe me if I'd just tell you." He replied.

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