Damn beautiful

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The first thing that flashed through Christian's mind when he woke up was.' Where's Ana?'

He sat up, gasping for air and looked around startled. Where was he? What happened? What the...?

He tried to remember how he ended up here, but his memory was failing him. While closing his eyes again, Christian tried to get up. Leaning on a pillow, he observed the room. It looked very familiar, but he just couldn't seem to place it.

His head felt like it was about to explode! So with all the energy he had left, he brought his hands to his temples. Rubbing them with his fingers, made his head ache go away very slowly. Christian was just about to get on his feet, when he saw Galya walk in.

Galya! Yes, that's where he was. At Galya's... When he was younger, he often used to come here with his grandma and his cousin.

"Aaah... Mr. Christian, you are awake." The older woman said, and smiled kindly at him.

Christian did his best to reciprocate."Galya, where is Miss Ana? Is she okay? Can you show me where she is?" he asked, not wasting any time, as he fired all the questions at her, while gripping unintentionally at the sheets.

Just the thought of not knowing where Ana was, made his stomach tie into knots.

The older woman smiled."She is in the garden, don't worry. I have treated her well, sir." She promised.

"Okay." He said and noticed that he didn't feel any pain in his knee anymore.

"What? How? But...?" he asked and saw the older woman smile, her eyes twinkling.

"I have made some homemade medicine from the roots of a plant from my garden. It doesn't work like painkillers, but it will make sure that your knee will heal completely in no time. I have given Miss Ana a bottle so you can use it, when you're home. Apply it on your knee, while massaging the skin." Galya advised, while she placed a hand on his knee.

It was then, when Christian realized that his pants were cut with a scissor.

"Yeah, I asked Miss Ana to cut it, cause it was in the way." She said.

Christian was very thankful."Thank you, Galya. But what happened? I remember that we were in that cave and the rest is blank..." he said.

Galya took a seat in a chair."Well, luckily one of the mine workers was walking on that side of the mountain and heard Miss Ana call for help. They immediately helped the both of you. At that point, you had lost consciousness, so they wanted to bring you as soon as possible to a doctor. But the nearest doctor was too far away, so one of the men had an idea to bring you here to me. So here you are now..." she explained.

As a sigh escaped his lips, Christian uttered." Thank you so much, Galya. I really need to see her though. Bring me to her, please?"

He wanted to be sure that Ana was indeed OK. In that moment, Christian realized that the whirlwind in the garden, (Ana), had completely stolen his heart...

Galya had a pair of crutches in her closet, so she handed them over to him. While Christian walked behind Galya, his heart rammed against his rib cage. Ana. Sweet, beautiful Ana. Why had fate brought her to him? Was it on purpose or was it accidental?

They were about to walk out the door, when Galya turned around to say something to Christian.

"Sir, I think it would be for the best if you told her everything about the curse." She said.

At that, Christian shook his head, while he held onto the older woman."No, Galya. She doesn't need to know it all, okay?" he replied.

The older woman grabbed his hand and led him to the couch."You have to tell her about what you can become, sir. She has the right to know." She demanded.

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