The last chapter

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As those words reached her ears, Ana felt a sudden pain in her stomach." Christian?" she uttered, and softly groaned in pain, while placing her hand on that particular spot.

Christian noticed it right away, and turned his face to look at her. "Ana?! Something wrong?" he asked, and grabbed her by the shoulders, worry plastered on his face.

"Hu-rts... it hurts a lot" She replied, and all of a sudden, her teary eyes fluttered shut, while almost sinking to the ground.

Fortunately, Christian saw it coming and grabbed her, breaking her fall.

"Ana?" Demetra uttered, and looked at Andreas." There's a wooden bench over there... help Mr. Grey carry her?"

"I can do it myself, Demetra" Christian insisted, and took Ana in his arms. However, right then he felt very dizzy all of a sudden." Whoah... what's happening to me?"

Demetra looked at Andreas, and said." Help him, please"

It was then, when he helped both Christian and Ana get to the bench.

"We need the marble necklace, and big key now" the young witch pointed out, her eyes on Christian" Can I have them, please?"

Christian nodded in response, and carefully grabbed both items from his coat pocket." Here you go" he murmured, while feeling oh so weak.

"Demetra?" he said, and grabbed her by the wrist." What's happening to me? Why am I weak all of a sudden?"

She sighed deeply, and looked him straight in the eyes." Pandora... Sappheire's evil sister who cursed your ancestors" Demetra explained, her eyes teary." I think it's HER doing"

"We were afraid of this," Andreas added, and gave Christian an empathetic look." That's why Demetra and I insisted that only the four of us should enter here... Pandora has INDEED put a hex on this cave, in her chambers centuries ago, her main goal to keep non-magical creatures away."

Christian shook his head in response, sweat trailing down his forehead, his eyes turning yellow." I don't think I can control 'the monster." he uttered, and fought so hard to keep himself from turning." PLEASE, do it now! BREAK THE CURSE NOW!"

Demetra had never seen Christian turn, and froze at her spot, the marble necklace and second key still in her hand." Andreas, help" she uttered, while tears pooled in her sea green eyes." You know what to do... do it now"

Andreas nodded, and in a flash, he grabbed the necklace and key and hastily placed them onto the colossal wiccan altar table.

"Done, Demetra!" he shouted, and felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, as his eyes landed on Christian." OH MY GOD"

"The bottles with the potion" the young witch uttered, while tears streamed down her face, her whole body shaking.

"They have to drink it now, right?!" Andreas said, his voice trembling heavily, while standing in front of Demetra to shield her from Christian who wasn't Christian anymore.

Demetra nodded, and said." Yes"

"Wake Miss Ana up, Demetra! PLEASE!" Andreas told her, while his whole body trembled, so terrified, his heart ramming wildly against his chest." I'll distract Mr. Grey!"

'The monster' was roaring and snarling, his fangs have descended completely, while he tried to claw at Andreas, eyes yellow and menacing.

However, the young ex- 'Phoenix' was a very good fighter, the best from all the 'Phoenixes, even Parthenios, and he fluently evaded those blows, while doing his best to fight off 'monster Christian'... (Even though fear was consuming him from the inside out)

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