The letter

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And just as their lips were about to collide, she felt so dizzy and it went dark before her very eyes...

The second Ana blacked out, she fell into Christian's arms. He held her tightly and carried her to the couch. As Christian cradled her in his arms, he watched Ana and instantly felt a gnawing pain in his heart. God! She had completely stolen his heart. At that moment her lips were parted slightly and her heart was beating at a steady pace— Christian's eyes fluttered shut as he listened closely to that beautiful sound. The beating of her heart made him calm down, whenever he was on edge, it sounded so beautiful in his ears and yet he had to let her go. He wasn't allowed to keep this beautiful person... he had to let her go. At that, he listened to her wonderful heart beat one last time. As a huge lump formed in his throat, Christian felt an awful feeling cutting right through his heart. ...

And even though he wanted to be selfish and desperately wanted to keep his whirlwind with him... he couldn't! The letter he read earlier, reminded him that Ana couldn't stay... As Christian took in the features of her face one last time, he caressed her pretty face. At that moment, Christian was aching to brush his lips onto hers, but he denied himself that act...

At that, he wrapped her in his arms again and stood up. Aftario had arrived with the limo, so he carried her out the front door. As he placed Ana inside the car, Aftario furrowed his brows, wondering why she was asleep around this time of day. 'Or was she unconscious?' he thought.

At that, he looked at Christian." Sir? Is Miss Ana alright?" he asked, genuinely concerned.

Christian only nodded at that, so the young man turned around and started the car without asking any further. He knew better than to be nosy, especially if it didn't regard him at all.

As Christian's eyes landed on Ana, he wondered why fate had to be so cruel. Finally, the woman who was destined to break 'The Family' curse arrived in Tinos and was willing to help him and what happens? He received a letter with threats!

Christian knew that the situation was very serious, so he decided to follow their instructions. He couldn't bear it if something awful ever were to happen to Ana. He loved her too much and needed her to be safe...


At the moment Christian was reading the letter for the tenth time, while Calinico walked towards him." Sir, what... what are you going to do?" he asked worriedly.

Christian let out a breathy sigh at that, and locked eyes with the older man." Ana cannot stay in Tinos anymore. She has to go home immediately." He whispered, his voice trembling.

"Who could have send you the letter, Sir?" Calinico asked, his brows furrowed.

At that, Christian shook his head." I don't know. I really don't." he replied, the tone of his voice sounded like he had given up.

Calinico looked at his boss at that." Sir... maybe it would be better if Miss Ana stayed, so you..." he began, but Christian cut him off.

"No, Calinico! I am not going to take that risk! It's Ana we are talking about, OK? I would rather follow their instructions than do my own thing, risking..." Christian said, his voice breaking, and covered his face with his hands. He then continued after a few moments." I can't risk it, Calinico. I would never forgive myself. No! My decision is final! She must go home..." As those words left his lips, it broke his heart into bits and pieces.

At that, the older man nodded, knowing that his boss was right.

"Sir, I am so sorry. And you were so close... Miss Ana was about to help you and try to... to break the family curse. And now..." Calinico said, his eyes welling up. He loved Christian so much and it pained him that he wasn't able to do more for his boss.

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