The bullet

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The second Ana realized who it was, she had trouble breathing. PHILIP!

He grabbed her and held her tightly, as he shoved her against the car. From behind, she smelled his disgusting breath and felt him blow warm air on the back of her neck. As a sob escaped her lips, Philip laughed mockingly and brought one hand to her hair, touching it.

"God, Ana. You smell so good and your hair is just as soft as I can remember." He whispered, as he held her even tighter.

She felt the pain and knew that the skin was going to bruise, where he was gripping her.

Ana was terrified and wanted to scream for help. But... her voice had completely failed her. As her eyes fell shut, Philip turned her around.

"You are so beautiful! But... if I can't have you, nobody can!" he hissed, as he roughly grabbed her face with his hand.

"Are you wondering how I got here so fast, my Ana? You seem to forget that I know this city... my city like the back of my hand! I know all the short cuts, Ana and I know you. Instead of going for help I knew you'd come back here... See that you belong with me? Nobody knows you more than I do." He whispered, in such a threatening manner.

Ana kept her eyes closed, as her whole body shook. She was terrified.

"Look at me! You are mine! Do you hear! Look at me, now! And I will show you tonight that you belong to me!" he threatened, as she stood frozen, the tears rolling down her cheeks.

She wanted to run, wanted to scream, but it was no use. Her body refused to obey what her head was ordering.

As he gripped her face tighter, he demanded." Tell me! Say it! SAY THAT YOU ARE MINE! Say it!"

Ana closed her eyes again and sobbed." I... I am... NOT yours!" she exclaimed.

Philip was outraged and if looks could kill, she'd lie dead on the floor right now. And just as he was about to slap Ana, they both heard a loud growl...

Never in her life, did Ana think that she'd ever be so happy to hear that skin crawling sound. That growl, the sound that would make any man run away screaming. Christian!

As Philip turned around, he let go of her in the process. He pulled a gun from his coat and was about to shoot, but the monster was faster than him. He tackled Philip to the ground, making the gun fall on the floor. As Ana watched in horror at the two fighting, it dawned on her that one of them will surely get hurt badly... or worse! Her heart was pounding against her rib cage, as she tried to follow their movements. She knew that Philip had no chance against the monster... She had to do something, before it got out of hand...

And just as the monster was about to give Philip a final blow to the head with his sharp long claws, Ana got her voice back.

"STOP! DON'T! PLEASE DON'T!" She shouted, as she tried to make eye contact with the monster.

He listened and stopped, but in that split second, Philip grabbed his gun from the floor and pulled the trigger...

The monster was shot, but still was able to leap towards Philip! As said monster grabbed and shoved him very hard against the wall, he roared loudly, making Ana tremble. Philip was shaking like a leaf, as he watched the monster snarl and growl.

"P-please... please don't! D-don't kill me! Please! I will n-never hurt anyone again...j-just please don't..." Philip said, as he begged for his life...

The monster growled and snarled and choked him... but after a few seconds, he let go of him. Philip cried and like a coward ran away as fast as his feet were able to... without even looking back once, not even worried about leaving Ana alone...

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