This is real

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Approximately 15 minutes later, Ana sat next to Christian in the limo, while leaning onto him. Their hands were connected, their fingers intertwined. As a smile played at her lips, Ana sighed contently.

"This feels so real..." she whispered, while her eyes fluttered shut.

Christian squeezed her hand lightly, and said." This is real, Ana... we are together again..."

As her eyes fluttered open, Christian captured her gaze." I missed you so much. These past days, I really thought I wouldn't survive without you..." he confessed, not even blinking once.

Ana looked lovingly at him, and said. "Well, all of it is in the past now... and if it wasn't obvious already, I missed you too."

"How did you know that the 'monster' wouldn't hurt you, Ana?" he asked curiously.

"Well, you've told me a few times that I shouldn't be afraid of you... that I should never fear you." Ana explained. "I trust you with my whole heart, Christian..."

As those wonderful words reached his ears, Christian wanted to kiss her again, but when Ana yawned softly he gently wrapped her up in his arms. "Why don't you take a nap, sweetie... you look exhausted." He suggested, and kissed her on the top of her head.

"OK..." She replied, slowly closing her eyes, while snuggling further into him.

All of a sudden, Ana sat up straight. "Crap! I texted my father and Kate, before I left home... but I, ugh! They must be worried out of their minds!"

She then grabbed her phone out her handbag, and dialed her father's number.

"Hey, dad..." Ana said. "It's me, Ana... everything's fine with me. I'm with Christian now..."

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Five days later, Ana looked over the Aegean Sea, while the wind blew her dark brown locks in her face and over her head. She giggled, as Christian attempted to convince Taylor, his new security detail, to not sit so close to him.

"My orders are to protect you, Mr. Grey." The tall American stated. "Andreas will have my head, if something were to happen to you."

His tone wasn't harsh nor cold... it was just... his voice was just toneless.

They were in a speedboat and on their way to one of Parthenios' many houses.

Christian felt very uncomfortable, his eyes darting towards Ana.

The look he gave her meant. 'Please, help me out of this...'

And instead of helping him, Ana smiled at Taylor. "So... have you been working for Parthenios long, Mr. Taylor?" she asked innocently.

"No, Miss... just one year." He said, only answering her question, and then he looked suspiciously at their surroundings.

Christian sighed deeply and said. "There's nothing and no one around for miles... only seawater, Taylor."

"That may be so Sir, and yet I should be on high alert." Taylor replied, his eyes still darting around.

Ana cleared her throat, attempting to push back her laugh, because Christian's face was at that moment so hilarious.

He was not amused about Ana though...

She smiled and mouthed. 'Sorryyyy'

Christian was just about to say something to Ana, when he saw land in front of him. "Finally... land!" he said, making Ana turn her face.

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