Why am I acting this way?

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Ana sat in her hotel room and thought about what she had remembered about someone calling out a certain name. It bugged her immensely, and contemplated how she should go about it. In her opinion this was a very sensitive matter, because the only ones who were there that night besides her, were Christian and that creepy man. Did Christian know the other man? And from where did he know him if he did?

These questions were driving her mad, at the moment. She knew that she should ask Christian about it, but decided to do that at a suitable time. Right now he was in the process of healing from the attack, so Ana wanted to wait before bombarding him with said questions. To be honest, she needed the break also from finding out certain things.

At that, she let out a deep breath, and muttered. "For today just enjoy your vacation a bit, OK Ana?"

She shook her head at that, tucking those questions away in the back of her head for now, and decided to get ready for the dinner at Christian's villa. Just the mere thought of him, made her tummy do flip flops. Gosh! Ana had it and had it bad... real bad.

After taking a long shower, Ana went through the hotel room closet, but she just couldn't find the right dress. At one point the bed was a total mess, her evening dresses spread out on every inch of said bed.

"Damn it!" Ana said, feeling frustrated at that moment.

"Hey. What's wrong?" Kate walked through the door and asked.

Ana sighed at that, and said." I have nothing to wear!"

Her best friend chuckled and walked back to her own hotel room. As Kate returned, Ana noticed that she had a box in her hand. When Kate opened it, Ana's eyes widened, gasping softly.

"No! I cannot wear that! It's yours." Ana exclaimed, while shaking her head firmly.

At that, Kate nodded. "Yes! I want to give it to you, because we both know that it looks better on you."

Kate and Ana went on like that for minutes; Kate giving the dress to Ana, but Ana politely declining.

"Take it, Ana!"

"No, Kate! It is yours and very expensive, I can't!"

"You ready girls?" they suddenly heard a voice say.

At that, the two girls stopped, and looked up. It was Ana's father.

"No, dad. Give us 30?" Ana responded.

"Yes Mr. Steele, we need more time." Kate said, while placing the dress in Ana's hands once more.

"OK." He said and walked away.

"Come one, Ana. We don't wanna be late. Just take the dress? Please?"

Ana let out a deep breath at that, and said. "OK, I'm gonna take it, but I'm also gonna pay you for it."

"Deal." Kate replied, and smiled satisfied.


At the moment, Christian was in his master bedroom, looking at his own reflection in the long mirror.

'Ana.' He thought, while his lips curled into a smile.

She was going to be here within an hour. Christian's heart quickened erratically at that, just the thought of Ana's presence making him act like a teenager. God! She was so endearing and so full of life. Christian chuckled, when he thought back on that one time she told him that he was so full of it! Ana could be real feisty at times, just like a whirlwind... or tornado. God, he had it bad... real bad.

Christian was taken out of his thoughts, by a soft knock on the door.

"Come in." he said, while checking his jacket for the fourth time.

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