Let me introduce myself

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After Yorgos had left, Christian sank into his chair. He knew that he hasn't seen the last of his cousin, so he planned on protecting Ana by keeping her as close as possible. Christian was thankful that Calinico had agreed on keeping an eye on Ana also.

Thirty minutes after Yorgos had left, Ana and her father arrived at the villa with Calinico. Christian made sure that two bedrooms were ready for their guests. The maids had cleaned the rooms and made the beds. At the sight of the bedroom Ana was going to live in for a week, she gasped softly, her hand over her mouth. The room was huge and very tidy with different shades of red. When she sat on the comfy bed, Ana felt like a princess in a castle, being surrounded by maids and Christian's other staff.

Ana was busy sorting out her clothes, when there was a knock on the bedroom door." Yes, come in!" she said.

At that, Calinico entered the room and handed Ana an envelope."What is it?" she asked curiously.

"Open it, Miss Ana. See you later?" the older man replied, and smiled at her.

At that Ana thanked him, so he walked out the room. In the envelope was an invitation from Christian. She and her father were invited by their host to have dinner later in the evening.

"Silly, Christian. Acting so formal." Ana whispered, as her lips curled into a smile.

It was still early to get ready for dinner, so Ana decided to shower quickly and take a look around the villa. As she walked out the bedroom, she peaked into her father's bedroom. He was resting, so she decided to explore the villa alone. Ana was wearing a dark blue summer dress, her lips was painted red. Her sandals matched the blue of her dress, and Ana also wore a charm bracelet with matching necklace that once belonged to her mother.

As Ana walked through the halls, she greeted Christian's employees. She had asked one of them where Christian was." Mr. Christian was resting, Miss Ana." the man had told her.

Usually around this time Ana also took an afternoon nap, but today she was feeling too excited to be able to fall asleep.

"Can I go to the library to read, Calinico?" Ana had asked the butler.

"Of course,Miss Ana." The older man replied, and told her how to get there.

As Ana walked towards the library, she came across a bedroom. The door was painted sky blue.

"This was Mr. Demetrios' room." Ana heard a voice behind her say.

She was startled at that, and yelped softly. As she turned around, Ana saw that it was one of the maids.

"Sorry, Miss. I didn't mean to startle you." The young woman apologized.

"No. It's OK. Uhum.. who's room is this?" Ana asked curiously.

"Demetrios. Mr. Christian's son... he died almost 3 years ago." the woman said sadly, her voice trembling.

Ana noticed that tears had pooled in her brown eyes, but the woman immediately avoided Ana's gaze and muttered a 'sorry' and walked away hastily.

At that, Ana stared at one point, while the wheels in her head started turning. She did not expect this at all. Christian had a son?! And he died? At that, Ana's throat instantly closed up, knowing how it felt to lose a loved one. God! The man that she was beginning to like very much, had lost a child? She couldn't imagine how he must've felt, nor could she imagine how he was able to live with such a huge loss. No wonder he acted the way he did, when she held the toy in her hand. It must have belonged to Christian's son. God! Why did she go to that room in the cottage? Ana remembered the look on his face, when he discovered that she was in the third room while they were in the cottage. The look in his eyes was full of pain, when he saw the toy. At the moment, Ana wished that she could take away his sorrow and pain. Maybe one day, she could ask Christian about what had happened to his son. Maybe, just maybe he would be able to confide in her.

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