Soterios and Agathe

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As those words reached Ana's ears, she only nodded in agreement, unable to answer the question.

Christian grabbed the book from the book case and began to read.

Our last name is Niarxos. A long time ago, our ancestor Soterios was walking on our private beach, enjoying the magnificent sunset. And just as he was about to walk back home, he saw something in the water. But the better he looked at it, he soon realized that it was not a thing. It was a person! He immediately took off his shoes and shirt and jumped into the very cold water. It almost took his breath away, but there was just one thing on his mind. Save the person in need!

Soon enough, he reached the person and saw that it was a woman! He dragged her back on land and began trying to wake her. At one point she coughed, making all the sea water leave her body. The second Soterios looked in her gorgeous, hazel eyes, he knew that she was the one!

It was love at first sight, also for her. He brought her to his home and they took care of her. After a good bath and some warm clothes on her back, he saw her again at dinner. His parents asked the young woman how she ended up in the open sea, but she did not remember.

'What is your name?' Soterios' mother asked.

The stranger thought very hard before answering. 'Agathe. My name is Agathe.' She replied.

In the next weeks, Soterios and Agathe spent most of their time together. Within the next weeks, they fell in love. Soterios' parents were glad that Soterios finally found a woman to marry, but they were a bit worried about something. About someone. Her name was Henimia.

They had a family friend named Henimia. She was around Soterios age. It wasn't a secret that Henimia was in love with Soterios. Heninia's and Soterios' parents were friends and a long time ago they made a pact with each other, that their kids should marry, so their riches will be combined. But when Agathe came into Soterios' life, his parents had to tell Henimia's parents that Soterios was going to marry someone else. And they did. Henimia was heartbroken and committed suicide.

When Henimia died, her mother wasn't able to grieve normally. She was furious at Soterios and his parents! She wanted them to feel the pain that she was feeling right now. The pain of losing her beautiful young daughter was so excruciating that she did the unthinkable. She visited a 'witch' and gave her a lot of gold. In return, she casted a curse on the Niarxos' family. Beginning with Soterios and Agathe.

Before Soterios could see his first born son, he was lost at sea and was never seen again. Agathe believed that it was the curse. And she was the reason. If she hadn't washed on the shore, Soterios would have married Henimia. One day, Agathe disappeared. She left and never came back, leaving her son behind. After she left, people began to make up stories of her. Some say that she was immortal, that's why she survived the ship wreck. Years later, they found out that the ship she was in, was swallowed by the sea. Everyone died, except for her. People believed that the curse that had been casted on the Niarxos' family, was her fault.

And that's why we call it 'The curse of Agathe.'

As a sigh escaped Christian's lips, his eyes darted from the book towards Ana. She had been drinking the whiskey, and tears welled up in her pretty eyes.

"That's a... a very tragic story." She uttered.

Christian's eyes fluttered shut, while he took a deep breath. If only Ana knew how tragic all of his family members lives had been. Including his.

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