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"No... I'm not going to pull out the bullet...First I need you to explain to me... w-why you DRUGGED me, Christian. After I faced the monster in Tinos that day, even though I was scared out of my mind and told you that I wanted to be with you. Tell me... Why did you d—drug me?" Ana asked, as the hairs on the back of her neck stood up, while a tear rolled down her cheek.

Christian looked up at her and huffed." So, you really think that I am gonna talk, cause of your little threat? Oh please! In my life, I had to withstand much more pain than this, Ana." He said and got up.

He walked to the bathroom and grabbed a sharp tool. As he looked in the mirror, he easily pulled out the bullet from his flesh, groaning softly in utter pain.

Ana watched as Christian grabbed a towel, but hastily walked towards the bathroom to help him.

"Let me!" she demanded, while glaring up at him.

Christian locked eyes with Ana, wanting to refuse but she had that look in her eyes. She had made up her mind already to help him, and there was nothing he could do or say to make her change it. That, Christian was certain of. So, he rolled his eyes at her, but didn't resist Ana, as she grabbed the towel, bandage and alcohol.

At the moment, Christian couldn't help but observe Ana while she was busy dressing his bullet wound... As she stood that close to him, her fingers brushing his warm skin, Christian's eyes involuntarily fluttered shut, while inhaling her delicious scent... He was purposely using his super senses to take all of her in, the shampoo she used making his head spin.

"I'm done, Christian." She said, as her fingers rested on his bare chest.

As he opened his eyes, Christian locked his grey eyes on hers. She was slowly tracing his skin with her delicate fingers, while looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Why? Why would you drug me? Why would you do something so horrible? That's not you... That's not the Christian Grey I fell in love with. The Christian Grey I wanted to be with and the Christian I would give up my life for. Who? Who are you?! You're not him." she accused, as her eyes erupted with tears.

Up until now, Christian had managed to keep his distance from Ana and had managed to keep up his façade, acting the cold, heartless and calculated person. But when those words left her lips and when she looked at him with those pleading, gorgeous eyes, it was all over. All his reserves and control faded away and evaporated into thin air...

As the walls around him crumbled, Ana lovingly cupped his cheek and asked.

"Please tell me. I know you aren't this cold hearted." She whispered.

He swallowed hard, as he tried to avoid her gaze. But the way she was caressing his cheek and the way the scent of her perfume was seducing him, made it impossible for him to ignore her.

"Don't. Please, don't do this Ana," He begged.

"Do what exactly, Christian?" she asked softly, her voice a mere whisper.

As Ana observed Christian, her heart pounded against her chest. She was getting through to him! His defenses were down... So, Ana took advantage of the opportunity and moved even closer to him, running her hand through his hair. As she brought her lips towards his ear, her breathing became very shallow.

"Christian, I love you so much. And I have missed you. Why? Why should we be apart? Why can't we be together? I don't understand. My body and heart are desperately aching for you. Why are you denying us what we both clearly want and need? " she whispered, as a sob escaped her plump, red lips.

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