Do you need my help?

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As Ana's father walked away, Christian grabbed his crutches and Ana avoided his gaze by looking at the stars again. She acted like one particular star grabbed her interest, but it was all pretend.

"Wow! That is one pretty star!" Ana said, before clearing her throat.

All of a sudden Christian began to chuckle, making Ana giggle like a teenage girl. At that, they both looked at each other not able to stop the laughter.

"Well, that was awkward." Christian said.

"Indeed it was." Ana replied, smiling shyly.

"So...uhmm, I think your dad is right though. It's really late...why don't you stay the night?" Christian asked, making Ana furrow her brows.

Her smile disappeared at that, replaced by a look Christian was unable to read.

"I— uhmm." she replied, her mind not able to come up with an answer to the question.

Christian noticed the hesitation, so he corrected himself. "Uhmm— that came out really wrong, Ana. I didn't mean that only you should spend the night with me. Aargh! What I meant was you and your dad and Kate also. You know sleep here... at the villa... because it's very late. You three must be exhausted from the day you had." He managed to say, mentally kicking himself because he never babbled like that.

He so wanted to smack himself in the head right now! Gosh, he was acting like a 15 year old boy!

When Ana realized what he meant, she said. "OK, I'll ask my dad and Kate if they want to stay here."

At that, Christian let out a sigh of relief. "OK, let's go then." He replied, and followed Ana inside.


The next morning, Ana woke up with a huge smile on her face. She lazily opened her eyes and noticed that someone had already open the wide windows, the curtains dancing along with the wind. Rays of sunlight were wishing her a good morning, along with birds singing a beautiful tune.

As Ana slowly sat up in bed, her eyes landed on the corner of the bedroom. She noticed that her suitcase with clothes and make-up was brought by someone in the bedroom.

'Hey! Who brought my necessities for me?' Ana wondered with a smile on her pretty face.

As Ana stretched her body, she yawned and after that she jumped out of bed, immediately making said bed. After pulling her shiny hair in a knot, she walked to the bathroom to take a shower.

"What to wear today?" she whispered and grabbed a pair of jeans shorts and a pretty pink blouse.

As Ana sat in front of the mirror, while combing her shiny hair, her mind automatically drifted off to the evening before.

'We almost kissed." Ana whispered, the memory making her tummy do flip flops.

At that, her eyes fluttered shut, attempting to visualize the almost kiss in her head. A smile crept on her face, her mind bringing her back...

Ana remembered clearly how her heart sped up... the way she held her breath, afraid to lose that moment... the way she saw him closing the gap between them... the way her stomach did its infamous flip flops... the way he looked at her with those gorgeous eyes... She was pretty sure that she was about to drown in their depths... God! Was she right? Last night, did Christian look at her like she was something precious?

As a sigh escaped her lips, Ana opened her eyes, feeling disappointed right then. Why did her father have 'very BAD' timing?

Ana shook her head at that, and went on getting ready for the day. She wore her hair down and applied some light make-up. Of course her lips had to be painted red, but she used lip gloss instead of lip stick. Satisfied, Ana looked at her own reflection in the large mirror in front of her. Like usual, her bathing suit was underneath her summer clothes, her comfortable sandals on her feet.

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