I don't wanna startle you like before

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Ana was really enjoying the walk to the cottage, while Christian enjoyed her company just as much. The cottage was just five minutes away, more or less.

When they arrived at their destination, Ana's eyes widened.

"OK, Christian. This is not small. Your cottage is huge! Do you even know the definition of small?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

He chuckled at that, and opened the front door for her.

"This place is beautiful!" she exclaimed.

"Glad you like it." Christian replied.

The living room was modern, while the kitchen was cute and old fashioned. There was a fireplace and a small T.V.

"How many rooms are there?" she asked.

"Three." He replied.

"Mr. Christian Grey, your cottage is too small for me. I can't live with small, not my style." She teased.

He chuckled at that, and began to light the fireplace. As the wood caught fire, Ana began to feel the cold of her body disappear. It was really nice and warm in front of the fire place.

"OK, let's get you some warm clothes. I need it too, considering you are wearing my shirt." He teased.

As Christian's eyes darted towards Ana, he thought that his shirt looked better on her than on him anyway— way better...

"Hey, but you were the one who offered me the shirt! I didn't ask!" she exclaimed, while placing her hands on her hips, and as her pretty eyes twinkled.

At that, Christian smiled and raised his hand towards her, trying to brush off a lock of hair that had fallen in her face. But just as he was about to do so, Ana pulled away, gasping lightly. The look on her face changed instantly from a smile to of a person who was startled and afraid. Christian noticed that and also saw how her body instantly had tensed up.

"I am— I'm sorry, Ana. I just wanted to— to brush off a lock of hair from your face. I didn't mean to do anything bad." He apologized, while locking his eyes on hers.

Ana shook her head at that, and cleared her throat." No, it's OK. I don't know why I was startled. It's OK, really. I'm fine." she nervously said.

"Are you sure, Ana?" Christian asked, genuinely concerned.

"Yeah. So, where exactly can I get some warm clothes?" Ana asked, attempting to change the subject. She just hoped that Christian wouldn't pressed the matter.

He was concerned, but still decided to let it go. For now. "OK, up here. Follow me, please?" he asked, and led her the way.

Ana followed him until they reached a bedroom. "You can freshen up here. And you can pick out whatever you like to wear, Ana. There are a lot of clothes in the closet. I'll change in the next room." Christian suggested.

"Thank you." Ana said, a small smile on her pink lips.

At that, Christian closed the door behind him, giving Ana some privacy. As a sigh escaped her lips, she went to the bathroom and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She let out deep breaths, attempting to calm herself down. He was just trying to brush off a lock of hair! Why did she think that he was going to— to hurt her? Guess it was just her body reacting to those kind of movements.

Ana tried to forget, but without her accord tears began to roll down her cheeks. What had happened to her a couple of months ago was still haunting her. Ana just wanted to move on with her life! Three months did she not come out of her apartment! Three whole months! At that, she wondered if it will keep haunting her for the rest of her life. Will it? Ana didn't have the answer to that particular question though.

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