Pandora and Sappheire

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Taylor had reached them in that moment, delayed because he had to tie the speed boat, and with wide eyes he asked. "Mr. Grey! What the hell is that thing covering your whole back?!"



Approximately forty minutes later, Ana stood in front of the long mirror in Parthenios' mansion, in awe of the marks on her back.

"Unbelievable" she uttered, and looked over to the bathroom door, when she heard it swing open.

Christian had taken a shower and walked in only his jeans towards her.

She locked eyes with him, and said." This is just... I cannot find the right words for it"

"Crazy?" he tried, and closed the gap between them.

She nodded." And amazing, beautiful... absolutely unbelievable"

Christian swallowed hard, and grabbed her lovingly by her wrist." Ana"

She smiled and placed a hand on his chest." Yes?"

"I have to tell... uhmm... this is not a good thing, what just happened." He tried to explain.

She furrowed her brows in response." Why not? But you said that your grandmother told you, if these invisible marks appear, you and I can break the family curse?"

Christian let out a deep breath, and nodded." Yes, that's all true... "

"But?" she said, and looked at him questioningly.

He ran a hand through his hair and said." Let's take a seat?"

He led her to the bed, and they both took a seat on it.

"I'm listening, Christian" he heard Ana say, her voice soft.

As he looked at her, he contemplated what the best way was to explain all of this to her.

"Well?" Ana asked impatiently at one point.

"When the invisible marks appear, you and I only have three days to try to break the family curse" he told her with a sad tone in his voice.

It was then, when she realized why Christian was worried and sad.

She placed a hand on his cheek, and said." Oh no... we still need two keys. And the second one isn't found yet..."

"It's hopeless, Ana... the 'Phoenixes' have searched high and low for it, but it's nowhere to be found"

"What does Andreas say? He's a very clever man, I bet he has a good lead in finding the 2nd key" Ana said hopeful.

Christian shook his head in response." No, on our way back here I've spoken to Parthenios on the phone... they've been unsuccessful up until now" he told Ana." Plus, they can't seem to get a hold on Andreas. He's been MIA for hours now, and that's strange. He would never abandon the 'Phoenixes' like this. Parthenios is worried about him"

"Do you think Andreas is in danger?" Ana asked with a worried tone in her voice.

"We're not sure" Christian replied." They'll keep trying though... call and search for him"

Ana then grabbed both his hands and squeezed them softly." They'll find him... I believe Andreas is just doing fine" she tried to lighten Christian's mood.

"I hope so... only bad news today" he pointed out." No key, and now Andreas is missing"

Ana heard the devastation in his voice and saw the sad, and disappointed look on his face... it was absolutely heartbreaking to see him this way.

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