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As Christian felt the warm touch of her fingers on his skin, his eyes automatically fluttered shut, reveling at the feeling. He nodded and finally sat next to her on the bed.

As Ana told him her story, Christian felt a gut wrenching pain in his heart. It broke into tiny pieces, as Ana told him of what happened to her.

"We were coworkers and worked at the same firm. One day he asked me out and before we knew it, we had moved in together. At first everything seemed okay. We were like any other couple, until I noticed after two months that he was acting differently towards me. One day I saw him with another woman by accident. When I confronted him, he lied and said that she was just a client. But I found out a week later that he was sleeping with her. And when I told him to leave, he slapped me.

That was the first time I received a slap from him. I wanted to get out of that relationship, but I didn't have the strength to. He kept asking for forgiveness and I forgave him. He promised to change, as I took him back. I attempted to keep it from my family, but my dad and Kate knew that something was horribly wrong between him and me. They eventually convinced me to leave him and on the day I left, he followed me at my dad's place. He begged me to let him into the apartment, and me being so stupid did as he asked.

That was a huge mistake! We were in the kitchen, because I was busy cooking dinner. And when I refused to go back with him, he threatened to kill me. I told him no and it was then, when he struck me. I fell to the ground, but picked myself up. In the process I grabbed a knife, trying to defend myself. We struggled and he... he."

As that particular memory flashed through her head, it became all too much for her. Ana broke down and let it all out. She began to sob loudly and uncontrollably; her whole body was shaking from her sobs. Christian sat next to her, but he was too dazed to react.

After her sobs subsided, he cupped her face lightly and asked." What did he do to you, when you two struggled? Tell me."

Ana sobbed and looked him in the eyes." He... he stabbed me." she whispered.

As those words reached his ears, Christian began to lose control again— knowing that her blood was spilled by the hands of a piece of scum who deserve to DIE, made him want to throw up. How did someone so good end up with a scum like that?! He couldn't understand! As rage and anger arose from within him, Ana reached out to Christian.

"Christian... don't. Don't let your anger get the best of you. I... I am healed now. Try to calm down." she pleaded.

"No!" he roared.

"He made your blood spill! He doesn't have the right to breathe. He should be punished!" Christian shouted angrily.

Ana shook her head." He did get his punishment. He uhmm... he spend time in jail." She replied.

"No!" he growled, as his eyes glowed yellow again.

At this point, Ana was scared out of her mind! She didn't know what was going on. What was happening to him? All she knew was that she had to do something to calm him down.

"Christian, please calm down. Please." She pleaded.

Her words reached his ears, but at that very moment Christian was incapable of processing them. Instead, he grabbed the sheets from the bed and tore them apart. At that, Ana jumped up, as his action startled her. She watched in horror, as the veins on his neck grew. He was panting, his chest heaving, his eyes locked on hers, a storm raging behind them.

His inner monster wanted to get out, but when Christian saw the fear in Ana's eyes, he violently pushed his other-self back, and sank on the bed, sitting on it, his head down with his hands over his face. At this point, he knew that it was too late. Ana had already seen him in the process of turning, but it didn't matter to him. Her ex had hurt her; that fact was too overwhelming. He wasn't able to contain himself any longer!

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