Beautiful monster

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Two weeks later

At the moment Ana was looking at her own reflection in the mirror. A content smile played at her lips, while she combed her shiny locks for the fourth time in a row. She and Christian were still in his cousin's mansion, because the Police nor The Phoenixes' have captured Adon Papadakis yet. Security around Parthenios' mansion was tight, Andreas made sure of that, but Ana didn't mind at all. At first it was weird, having Taylor around all the time, plus all the uniformed men who guarded Parthenios' estate, but Ana and Christian had gotten used to it.

After being shadowed by the men for eight straight days, Ana finally accepted it. She and Christian even had given them nick names by then. Taylor was shadow 1, and the rest of the guards were shadow 2, etc. Giving them nick names was very silly, but she and Christian were just entertaining themselves while they were laying low.

Another thing that Christian had been doing was running his business from here, and giving the orders via email and phone. Every evening they reported back to him, so even though he wasn't physically in his office, Christian knew everything that was going on in his company.

"Knock knock..."

Ana was taken out of her thoughts by a very familiar voice. She smiled widely, and turned her head in the direction of the bedroom door.


He was standing nonchalantly in the doorway, his gray eyes locked onto hers. Ana had the urge to look away, but his piercing gaze was holding hers.

"Are you ready, my whirlwind?" she heard him say.

Ana nodded, and felt as if the room had caught fire. She couldn't help it, but she was unable to reply, the butterflies in her stomach doing somersaults at the moment. Christian looked so delicious in his black suit, his hair combed perfectly and his eyes... Gosh, his eyes.

They were boring into her, as if he was attempting to see right through her very soul...

"Stop it." Ana whispered.

If it were someone else, the person wouldn't have heard her. But this was Christian with his extremely heightened senses... so yes, he heard her.

"Stop what, Ana?" he asked and finally decided to close the gap between them.

Ana took a deep breath, her hands trembling, her heart pounding in her chest, while watching Christian get closer to her.

At one point, she reacted and stood up from the chair. And when he stood right in front of her, he grabbed Ana lightly on her waist. She sucked in a deep breath and locked her eyes onto his." Christian..." Ana begged, while her chest heaved.

"Yes?" he replied and guided her so she had her back to him.

"What are you doing?" she said softly, barely audible.

He responded by bringing his lips to her right ear. Ana's heart rammed against her rib-cage, while doing her best to stand on her own two feet.

"You're evil..." she accused, while feeling his breath on the back of her neck, making the hairs there stand up.

Instead of replying, Christian nibbled on her ear lobe, making Ana gasp loudly." Christian, they're waiting for us and..." she began, but stopped because she felt how one of his hands was moving the strap of her green evening dress.

By doing that, Christian had exposed Ana's right shoulder. Before she could do or say anything else, Ana felt a tingle go through her whole body ending up in her core, as he kissed, sucked and then bit on her bare shoulder.

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