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"Where did you get those?!" the second man shouted, and tore the key and marble necklace from Ana's grasp." Woman, answer the question!"

And even though Ana was terrified, she gathered all her courage, her whole body shaking like a leaf, and looked him straight in the eyes, ready to reply.

"They are Christian Grey's possessions. You know him, I am sure of it. Cause he was once part of The Phoenixes. And your boss, Mr Niarxos knows Mr. Grey, because he is still the leader of your 'secret organization'." Ana explained, her voice trembling heavily." Please, I need to speak to your leader. Christian has been missing for a while and I need Mr. Niarxos help."

"Stay." The first man said and pulled the other one aside.

Ana watched the two men, as they argued in Greek. One of the two still looked shocked, after seeing the two objects that Ana had showed them. At a certain point they kept arguing, making her impatient. So, Ana decided to act that instant and boldly walked up to the two large security men. While clenching her hands into small fists, she gathered her courage, only thinking of finding Christian. (That was the only thing that kept her from running away from there.)

Ana cleared her throat, making them turn their faces towards her." I'm really sorry, but time is running out. I need to speak with your leader, now." She said firmly with a tad tremble in her voice.

They both looked at her and one of the men said." No, you have to go. Right away."

At this point, Ana got so impatient and angry. She had enough! Her whole body shook from anger, as she closed the gap between her and one of the men, and looked him straight in the eyes.

"Tell your leader that my name is Anastasia Steele and that I came here in Tinos to break the Niarxos' family curse." She said, while glaring up at the 6' 5" tall man, her voice loud and firm.

At that, the two guards didn't hesitate anymore and looked convinced. They immediately made a call to someone.

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Ana was led into the building by another guard. She walked inside and was surprised about the interior of the house. The man who showed her the way, didn't say much. As she walked down the hall, Ana saw paintings on the walls.

'Were said paintings of the members of this secret organization?' she wondered.

At the end of the hall, Ana stumbled and almost fell but the guard grabbed her on time.

"You OK, Miss?" he asked, as he helped her on her feet.

"Yes... yes, I am fine. Thank you." Ana replied, embarrassed that she didn't look out where she was going.

And then... she saw it! Ana's eyes bored into the last painting at the end of the hall. It was of Agathe and Soterios!

OMG. Soterios... Soterios looked just like Christian!

"Come, madam. Mr. Niarxos and the rest of the Phoenixes are waiting in the office to meet you." The guard said.

Ana took a deep breath and nodded. She didn't know what was coming her way; she was beyond terrified. However, for Christian she was willing to do anything!

Literally anything and everything.

So this was it... Ana will finally meet the members of this secret elite organization. She didn't really care much about that though; all she wanted was Christian back in her life. Ana knew that the Phoenixes were powerful enough to help her find him...

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