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The whole night, Christian had been tossing and turning. Meeting Ana had been a pleasure; she was the nicest woman he'd ever met in his life. Besides the fact that she was a true beauty, he liked her personality a lot. She was just like a breath of fresh air! Everything about her was mesmerizing; from her shiny hair to her lovely smile and her gorgeous eyes. When she laughed, he swore that he could hear angels sing. She seemed to come out of a fairy tale; her dark blue dress and her hair up, held by a golden hairpin. Did she maybe— truly stepped out of a fairy tale?

'Was meeting this beauty a blessing or a curse?' he couldn't help but wonder.

Ana had an effect on him. Well, that was an understatement! He'd just met her, but she made him feel so comfortable in his skin, making him want to tell her about the life he had led. Strange! No other person had ever given him that feeling. The feeling that he could completely trust them. Yes, he trusted Calinico with his life. But then again, Calinico had practically raised him. The older man and Christian's grandmother had done that.

But this woman, who looked like Agathe, made him feel so vulnerable. He liked that feeling, but at the same time, he hated it! Cause he, Christian Grey, was always friendly, calm, polite, patient, nice, and in control but always had his guard up— Towards most people that is.

But he had to admit though, the way Ana made him feel, terrified him terribly. They'd just met, but several times, he almost let go of his control in her presence. And he knew that she had noticed it too; it was like she wanted him to let go of his control. Shaking his head, he decided to stop thinking about Ana.

Christian hated when night came, and he had to go to sleep. Sleeping was always difficult for him, because he was frightened of the nightmares. Nightmares that had been haunting him for almost 3 long years now. They were not exactly nightmares, but memories. Memories of what had happened to Demetrios.

It was passed midnight, when Christian finally had fallen asleep. He was able to do that, after a lot of tossing and turning, attempting to fight off the memories in his conscious mind.

**Christian's dream/ memory**

Christian woke up around 5:30 in the morning. He looked to his side and saw his wife still sleeping. Rolling his eyes at her, he got out of bed and immediately took a shower. Leila had been partying all night long. He was glad that she didn't drag him along, because he had to manage, and maintain an entire empire. Every day though, Christian wondered why he had married the woman. She was so selfish; she didn't even want to watch over their son, Demetrios. It was a good thing that he had Calinico; that nice old man really loved the little boy.

After he stepped out of the shower, he immediately got dressed and noticed that his wife was still sleeping. What time did she come home last night? About 3 or 4 in the morning, he guessed. After Christian had combed his hair, and wore his shoes, he slipped out the bedroom door and walked to the balcony.

His breakfast was already set, so Christian took a seat. While reading the morning paper, he wondered if Demetrios was already up. He finished his juice and toast and decided to see what his son was up to. And just as he was about to walk into the hallway, he saw him!

"Daddy, daddy! I saw a birdie! He was singing a song, daddy!" Demetrios said enthusiastically.

Leaping into his arms, Christian held his son tightly. Demetrios was almost 3. His birthday was coming up in the next month. The little boy had so much to tell his dad, making Christian laugh loudly. Leila was an awful woman, selfish and shallow but... she gave him the best gift ever. His son; Demetrios.

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