The flower

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"Now let's see what I will need for the potion" Andreas heard her say.

As their eyes landed on the fifth page of the book, Demetra gasped softly, while Andreas' eyes widened in disbelief.

"How in the hell are we going to find this ingredient?!" Andreas said aloud.

Approximately three hours later, Demetra and Andreas stepped out of the bus and walked into the forest. After a ten-minute hike, they reached a crossroad.

"Which way?" she asked, her green eyes locked onto his.

In response, he checked the map on his phone again, and pointed to the left." I think it's this way" he replied.

It was getting cold, so it's a good thing Demetra was wearing a thick coat. And yet she still shivered, and Andreas noticed it." Do you need my coat?" he asked, as they walked further.

She smiled at him, and shook her head." No, I'm fine... and BTW I assume you need it too." she pointed out.

"That's true"

If someone would've told her a week ago that right now she would peacefully be walking beside a 'Phoenix' and even help them to break the Niarxos' family curse, Demetra would've laughed in their face.

NEVER in a million years would she have thought that she would help those 'savages'.

They've been hunting her ancestors for decades, and were responsible for her mom and sisters leaving the country to seek refuge elsewhere.

'If my mom knew what I was doing right now, she would be so disappointed in me' were the words that swirled around in her head, while a gnawing pain shot through her heart and soul.

"I know what you must be thinking" she heard her companion say, taking her out of her thoughts.

Demetra locked eyes with him, and said." Excuse me?"

"I know what you must think" Andreas said, and placed a hand on her upper arm, attempting to comfort her." You probably feel bad thinking that you're betraying your mother and sisters?"

She nodded, broke eye contact and stopped in her tracks. As tears welled up in her eyes, he placed both his hands on her upper arms, and said." I feel the same." he confessed." I disobeyed a direct order from my leader... if he and Mr. Grey find out that I'm working with..."

He paused, and tried to use the correct term, but Demetra finished the sentence for him." a WITCH... that you're working with me; a witch..."

Andreas saw the pain in her eyes, and shook his head." If they knew that I broke the code, that I betrayed them, cause of course the other Phoenixes will see this as betrayal, I'm done." he explained." First, they will punish me. Then they will strip me from my family's wealth, humiliate me and then finally they will banish me from Tinos"

Demetra saw and even felt his pain, as he spoke, and gave him an emphatic look.

Then he continued." But I don't give a shit about the consequences... all I care about is to..."

"Help Ana and Christian" she said, finishing his sentence once again.

As those words left her lips, Demetra felt the guilty feeling towards her mom and ancestors ebbing away, and from that moment on she walked with huge strides towards their destination.

After walking for half an hour, Demetra and Andreas finally reached the path that will lead to the open field.

"We're almost there" she said, and smiled from ear to ear.

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