"Would you like to dance, Miss?

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As Ana took a shower, her mind drifted off to him. With her eyes closed, she thought about her time here in Tinos. Ana felt that she has changed, the moment she set foot on this Grecian island. Not 1 day was boring since she had been here. And Christian had been the center of all that had happened. In the past 5 days, during the time that she didn't have the chance to see him, she thought about running away again.

Why? Because being with Christian seem to be so difficult. So many obstacles were in their way. Was love worth all this trouble? The old Ana would have said no to that question and would have left already, but the new Ana couldn't leave— even if she attempted to.

She felt like an invisible force was keeping her here in Tinos. It was making her stay here... with Christian. But she didn't feel like it was forcing her... no not at all. Ana wanted to stay here with Christian of her own free will. But Ana also had a gut feeling that he kept secrets from her. And as she thought about it more and more, her head told her that it might have to do with the Niarxos family curse.

The man that made her hit her head in the forest. Where was he? Who was he? Did Christian know him? One day she was going to ask him about it all. When they both were at Galya's cottage, she accidentally heard them talking. Apparently she wanted Christian to tell Ana something.

She immediately walked away, because Ana didn't like to eavesdrop. Plus... she believed that if it was something very important, Christian would tell her... in time. Maybe it wasn't the right time for her to know yet. It's like how she didn't feel that it was the right time to tell him about what happened to her and Philip.

Why did her life had to be so complicated? Her dad had asked her how she felt about Christian. Her answer: 'I have fallen for him, dad. Deeply.'

Without hesitation, she said those words. Not even a bit of doubt in her voice. Ana didn't know who this Xylia was, but if she must, she was willing to fight for Christian.

Why? Because she wanted to keep him in her life, and cause she needed him in her life. As Ana's eyes slowly fluttered open, she knew that she was ready to see him again. He did promise to make it up to her at the ball. Oh, she definitely will forgive him for the past 5 days. But first, she was gonna make him grovel... at her feet.

She giggled at the thought. With a determined and mischievous look on her face, Ana walked out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her body.

"Game on, Christian Grey." She whispered.


As Ana pulled the gorgeous, white dress over her head, she felt a delicious tingle go through her body. She looked in the mirror; God, the dress was indescribable! It was a white strapless number, making her almost feel like a true princess in it. So this was the present Christian had been talking about. She found the dress, a tiara, a matching mask and a note on her bed. Ana decided then that it was the perfect opportunity to wear her diamond earrings and a new pair of high heels that she bought, when she was in Paris last year.

Ana sat on her bed and read the note once more.

Hey sweetie,

I know that I have been super busy lately. Forgive me? I promise to make it up to u at the ball. Please wear the gifts I placed on your bed? I miss you so. Can't wait to see you.

Lots of Love,


After reading the note, she combed her hair and wore it up with a hairpin. She was about to do her make-up and contemplated what sort of look she wanted to go for. She then decided to go for a Smokey eye look.

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