Demetra and her amplifier

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In response, he pointed at Demetra." She, she can save his life... she has magical powers and can heal Christian, before it's too late..."

As those words reached her ears, Demetra's eyes went wide..."W-what? No, I can't" she responded, and shook her head fiercely, looking at Parthenios, then at Ana, and lastly her emerald eyes landed on Andreas, her eyes pleading." I really don't... I cannot"

"Yes, you can!"

In a blink of an eye, Parthenios stood in front of them, not able to get to Demetra, because Andreas and Ana were blocking him.

The petite beauty had a frightened and confused look on her face, and grabbed Ana tightly by the hand." I really don't know what he's talking about, Ana..."

"Yes, you do!"

Parthenios was seething, his eyes becoming yellow, his fangs descending gradually.

"Wait, wait... let us all be calm for a moment" Calinico came in between them." Why do you think this young woman can heal Mr. Christian, Parthenios?"

At hearing that, the leader of 'The Phoenixes' changed back to his human form, and turned his head, avoiding Calinico's gaze.

"Well, tell us... Christian doesn't have much time!" they all heard a sobbing Ana say." Please?!"

As tears pooled in his eyes, Parthenios walked over to Demetra, and said." Your sister once saved my life by using her magical powers."

"What?" Demetra said, her eyes wide, her heart contracting inside her chest, because he just mentioned her older sister. And after a moment it dawned on her WHO Parthenios actually was. "Oh my you're her first... love?"

The leader of the 'Phoenixes' nodded." Yes" he replied, and hung his head in shame." Your sister and I were very close once."

"But I really don't know how to use my magical powers" Demetra said, while looking at the others one by one, grabbing Andreas' hand.

It was then, when Ana saw a vision... it was Demetra's ancestor... Sappheire.

Since seeing the bird/ Phoenix on the beach, and since that dream she had about Agathe telling her to go back to the sea, Ana began to see visions. However, she had kept it to herself, not telling anyone about it.

Not even Christian, 'cause she didn't want him to worry.

"Sappheire?" Ana uttered, and was brought to another 'world'.

"My beautiful descendant, she can save his life... she just has to believe in it... the magic is within her, Agathe." Sappheire told Ana." And she can use the one who is standing beside her... He's her amplifier, bonded since they met."

And just like that, Ana was brought back to the real world.


She smiled at the young witch. "Demetra," Ana said, as tears spilled from her blue, eyes." I just saw a vision of Sappheire"

"What? What did my ancestor say to you?" Demetra questioned, her eyes hopeful, while gripping Andreas' hand tightly.

"You CAN save Christian... you just have to believe in your magical powers and Andreas can assist you." Ana explained, looking at the petite woman with hopeful eyes." Concentrate and believe"

Andreas could not believe his ears. "Me?" he said in disbelief.

Ana nodded at that." You are her amplifier, Andreas..."

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