The symbol

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As Ana reached the hotel room, she took in a deep breath. Ana closed her eyes for mere seconds, opened them and clenched her hands into fists. She then opened the hotel room door, as her heart rammed wildly against her rib cage, not sure what she'll encounter in it...

A few minutes ago, Ana was able to convince the lady at the lobby to give her the key to Christian's hotel room. As she walked inside, her heart filled with regret and guilt. This was the last place she had spoken to him... As she walked towards his bed, Christian's scent instantly invaded her nostrils...

It was like he was just here not long ago. After searching for more than 50 minutes, Ana didn't find one single thing that could help her find him though. An unbearable pain gnawed at her heart, regret and guilt not far behind. Ana should've tried harder to get answers out of him the last time she had spoken to Christian. That was something she regretted now with all her heart.

She wished she hadn't backed down and wished she had stayed that evening. Ana had asked Christian a dozen times. Hell, she had even begged him to tell her what was going on with him. However, he kept talking cryptic and vaguely. Saying that she was in grave danger and that she should trust him.

"You should go now, Ana. Please." Christian said and looked at her with pleading eyes.

After that, he had shut her out completely and didn't budge.

As the seconds passed, the guilt ate Ana up from the inside out. Why?

Because that evening she did give up on the two of them. Ana did give up on their love, the moment she decided to walk out of his hotel room.

As she took those steps away from Christian that night with tears in her eyes, a thousand and one things went through her head.

That evening Ana thought that maybe they weren't meant to be.

Maybe, just maybe she wasn't 'Agathe' and maybe she had been stupid to believe she was the one who was destined to break the curse...

That evening, Ana gave up and now he's gone!

And right now, she felt so guilty and regretted her actions of that awful evening. Ana wished she could take that decision back... now she knows that she should've stayed with Christian. When he demanded that she should leave, Ana should have said no and stayed... but she did not.

As tears pooled in her eyes, on the verge of spilling out, Ana pulled the drawer of the night stand one more time. This time though, her fingers automatically searched the top of the drawer.

And there it was... An envelope!

It wasn't inside the drawer itself, but taped tightly above it. Ana had a little trouble opening said envelope, because of all the tape. Also, she was nervous about what was inside. As her heart pounded against her rib cage, Ana finally was able to open it with trembling fingers.

As her eyes landed on the contents of the envelope, Ana wasn't able to push back the tears anymore. A loud sob escaped her pink lips, as she saw the objects.

There were photos of her and Christian.

Kate or Elena must have been the ones who had taken the photo. A few were of her and Christian at the masked ball. She was in Christian's arms, as they danced... He was holding her like he never wanted to let her go...

And Ana was holding onto him, as if she was asking him to never ever let her go...

At that very moment, all her doubts vanished into thin air. More than ever, Ana believed that she's the one to save Christian from the curse. She believed with every fiber of her being that she was brought into Christian's life to save him and the rest of the Niarxos' line.

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