Find the Phoenix

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"Ana! Wake up!"

She woke up with a start, gasping loudly, and as her teary eyes landed on Christian's, she whispered." I have to go back to the sea..."

Christian looked at Ana with worried eyes, and cupped her face gently." Ana, sweetie... the sea?" he questioned, and shook his head softly." You don't have to go anywhere... it was only a nightmare..."

Ana was breathing hard, and shook her head fiercely." Agathe... she uhmm, she came to me and uhmm" she began, but was unable to continue.

He gently grabbed her hand, and squeezed it." Ana, it was only a bad dream... you've been with me the whole night" he pointed out." Look around... no one else has been in this bedroom... only you and me, my love."

Ana got out of bed, and let out a deep breath. Then she remembered what she saw in the huge, wide mirror in the living room.

She gasped softly, and in a flash stood right in front of the long mirror in their bedroom. As her eyes landed on her own reflection in the mirror, Ana felt very disappointed. No... she was wearing the wrong dress, plus her tummy was as flat as ever.

There was no sign of that beautiful, white maternity dress... and no sign whatever of the baby bump she had seen in her dream.

'Christian was right... it was all just a dream!' were the words that swirled around her head, while tears pooled in her eyes.

He noticed the sadness in her blue eyes, and closed the gap between them." Hey, are you alright, sweetie?"

Ana cleared her throat and asked." It was a dream?"

He nodded." Yes"

She bit the insides of her cheek, and looked up at him." It seemed so real... and it felt so real" Ana confessed, and wondered if it all meant something.

Did she really have to go back to the sea in order to break the Niarxos' family curse?

Does she have to die in order to liberate Christian and his cousins?!

As those thoughts bounced inside her skull, Ana felt her skin crawl.

"Ana..." she heard Christian say." Do you wanna talk about your dream?"

She scrunched her brows together, and cleared her throat." No... it's alright, Christian... I'm fine"

"Are you sure?" he questioned, and observed Ana thoroughly.

She smiled up at him, and nodded." Yes, it's all good" Ana replied, saying it in such a convincing manner, so he did not press the matter and decided to let it go.

"What time is it?" She asked, and so they both threw a quick glance at the massive clock on the wall.

It was only 06:30 in the morning.

"Wow... it's still early, Ana... what do you wanna do?" he said, and raised an eyebrow.

Heat instantly spread to her cheeks, as it dawned on her what Christian was implying." Well... I uhmmm... Kate was go─" she began, but he cut her off by grabbing her gently and lifted her up.

"Nooo... Christ─ noo... I" Ana pleaded, and couldn't help but giggle because he had placed her on the bed and began to tickle her mercilessly.

"Christia─ I cannot... don't" she kept begging, but he was determined to make her laugh.

Ana was lying in the huge bed, squirming, attempting to get free, but he was holding her tightly, and kept tickling her." Ask for mercy" he ordered, and smiled from ear to ear.

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