They will feel my wrath

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It was 8 in the morning, as Ana made her way to her office. Since she heard the awful news about Christian, she wasn't able to sleep at all.


Her mind was consumed only by Christian Grey. Half an hour. That was all it took. 30 minutes. After those minutes crept by slowly, Ana wasn't able to take it any longer and grabbed her phone.

"Hey, Elena. I heard that you all are looking for Christian? I've been told that he's missing?" she asked, her voice trembling heavily.

"Hi Ana. How are you? Yeah, Calinico and I have been searching like crazy! And we were at the end of our rope, so we uhumm— we filed a missing person's report. We're so worried about him. This is not him, Ana." Elena pointed out, and then let out a heavy sigh." Christian wouldn't just disappear on us like this. Something is wrong."

"Yes, you're right. He wouldn't do this. Something's definitely wrong." Ana agreed, while nervously tapping on her desk, her heart pounding against her chest." Do you think that he is still in New York? Or has Christian gone back home?"

"We don't know. And Ana... I don't want to frighten you or anything , but I think you should know this. Uhumm..." she said and cleared her throat. "The last time Calinico and I saw him, he said some things— very cryptic things."

"What kind of things? Please tell me, Elena." Ana pleaded.

"Christian said and I quote: My home is where Ana is. Now that she's gone, I can't live here anymore. This villa feels empty and cold... this is not my home.. I need to be where she is and I have a feeling that Ana needs me just as much. And I know that I won't be able to be close to her, I won't be able to touch her or feel her hair on my fingertips. But... I will be there for Ana— whenever she needs me to. I will protect her." Elena told Ana, making the hairs on her own neck stand up.

As those words reached Ana's ears, a lump instantly formed in her throat, making her eyes well up. God! She missed him so much! And she was so worried about him... Where could Christian be?!

"Elena, do you think his disappearance has to do with the threats he talked about? He told me about some letter with threats." She asked, the fear in her voice evident and clear.

"No, I don't think so." Elena denied, while furrowing her brows." Ugh! I don't know... I'm not sure, Ana."

Elena thought about that possibility, but she and Calinico had promised Christian not to tell a soul about the threats.

"Please, keep this to yourselves. No matter what happens, no one else must know about the threats. The man who wrote the letter made it very clear that Ana will get hurt, if we inform the authorities. So we will obey." Christian had ordered Elena and Calinico.

"But is it possible? Shouldn't you tell the Police? And maybe give them the letters?" Ana asked, the tone in her voice desperate.

"OK, we will inform the authorities in Tinos about the threatening letters Christian received." Elena lied." I'll ask Calinico to bring them to the Police, as soon as possible."

Elena felt awful about lying to Ana, but she didn't have a choice. The person who wrote the threatening letter, warned Christian. If he or anyone would go to the authorities regarding the threats, said person would hurt Ana.

And Elena didn't want to piss off those thugs by going to the Police. If they found out that she had, Elena was sure that Ana would be in grave danger. Elena couldn't bear it if something bad would happen to the young woman. Ana was Christian's everything...

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