Can I take a message?

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As Ana sat in her office, she was busy signing the last documents for the latest case she was working on. There was no doubt in her mind that her client was indeed innocent. Her apartment was 30 minutes away from the law firm she worked at. She didn't have a problem with driving to work , but she hated driving back home. Because Ana usually finished up after 10 PM or sometimes after 11 in the evening. Before the Philip incident, she didn't mind going home so late. And now?

Now she felt unsafe and uncomfortable, thinking that Philip was lurking at her from the darkest corner. As she let out a deep breath, Ana's eyes fluttered shut for a few seconds.

"Knock, knock." She heard a voice say.

She smiled, as she opened her eyes." Hey." Ana said.

"Hey, mind if I walk you to your car?" her co-worker asked.

Ana stretched her arms out and let out a sigh." Pfff... I'd like that a lot, but I still have a few papers to go over. But thanks for the offer, Jason. See you Monday?" Ana replied.

Jason looked at her with a worried look on his face." Are you sure that you'll be okay? Considering what happened to you not so long ago." he said, genuinely concerned.

"Hey, I am not going to let him win. I refuse to live my life in fear. Don't worry, Jase. I'll be fine." She promised.

Jason wasn't completely convinced and yet he nodded." Okay. See you Monday, Ana." He responded and walked away reluctantly.

As she heard him walk away, Ana got up from her seat and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. She sighed deeply and drank from her bottle. Jason Fuller was a descent young man. He was one year younger than Ana and had a major crush on her. When she realized it, Ana immediately had a talk with him and explained that she wanted to be his friend. Only her friend and nothing more...

She didn't know why, but Ana felt like her heart still belonged to Christian. Even though the odds weren't in their favor, she still believed that she and Christian were meant to be. Her gut told her that she surely was going to see him again. After meeting Christian, getting to know him and had fallen deeply in love with him, she refused to believe this was the end of their relationship.

He was the only man who was able to make her feel completely safe; being wrapped up in his warm arms was one of her favorite things in this world. After everything they'd been through, this could not be the end. No! She refused to believe that...

Ana was suddenly taken out of her thoughts by the office phone ringing. She instantly picked up and spoke to the person on the other line. Her boss was asking her to finish up and go home. He too was concerned about her being in the office that late... and he sounded a bit worried too. As she ended the conversation, Ana immediately went back to work. She wanted to finish up before 10 and then go home.

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After 30 minutes, Ana closed her brief case and got up from her chair. She grabbed her phone and coat, before walking out of her office. It was a cold, dark night and as she walked out of the elevator, she began to feel a bit uncomfortable. When Ana arrived in the parking lot, she walked as fast as her feet could carry her.

The moment she arrived at her car, she was suddenly startled by a sound. Ana turned around and saw someone in a dark corner. Without hesitation, Ana instantly grabbed her car keys and attempted to unlock her car door. But... she failed miserably! Out of nervousness, she had trouble opening her car. Damn it! Damn it! From behind, she heard someone walking her way...

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