Why hasn't she run yet?

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The next morning Ana woke up, thinking about all the things Calinico had told her. The older man knew that he was taking a huge risk by telling Ana, but still he decided to be open with her. He told her about Agathe and the curse. Something told him that it was for the best; that it was very crucial for her to know about it.

As a sigh escaped Ana's lips, she got out of bed and went to take a shower. She didn't know what to think anymore. Could the story of the curse be real? No, it must just be a myth; she was in Greece after all. And to be honest, Ana was a rational person. She wasn't the kind of woman who believed in curses or spells. She believed in cold hard facts. This story about the curse was ridiculous! Right? And even Christian said that it was all fake! Then why was he reluctant to tell her the rest of the story? Was he the kind of man who believed in such things? No, Ana didn't think so.

At that, Ana groaned aloud. She decided to stop overthinking it, and just enjoy this beautiful morning in this wonderful island. She got dressed and combed her shiny hair. As she applied natural make-up, she felt her stomach do delicious flip flops. The anticipation of seeing the always- in control Mr. Grey, made her a bit afraid, and at the same time she was very excited.

Ana was wearing a beige summer dress and underneath, she wore her green bikini. She couldn't wait to jump into the blue ocean. Maybe she could use Christian's private beach? She'll ask him about.' I'm sure he wouldn't mind' Ana thought.

Before walking out the door, she greeted her dad and grabbed her sunglasses and bag. It was exactly 8:30 in the morning, when she arrived downstairs in the hotel lobby. As she walked outside, she noticed that the limo was already waiting for her. God, Christian was so punctual!

As Ana stepped inside the car, the driver greeted her enthusiastically. The ride to the villa was everything but boring, because the driver was very friendly and told Ana a lot about the island. She really enjoyed listening to the man. When the villa came into view, Ana let out a deep breath.

"Here goes." she whispered.

As she stepped out the limo, Calinico was the one to welcome her and escorted her inside. Christian was reading the morning paper, while drinking a cup of coffee. As their eyes locked, her stomach did its oh so familiar flip flops. Gosh, she was acting like a 15 year old teenager!

Christian got up and welcomed her with a smile on his face."Good morning, Ana."

At that, Ana's lips curled into a small smile." Good morning, Christian." she replied, her eyes resting on his.

They were chatting about the island and her job. They were also talking about his business and about everything else. Ana really enjoyed the breakfast, looking at the man in front of her. This time, he wasn't wearing a tux like the night before. He was wearing a plain button down shirt and dark blue jeans. Christian really looked good in jeans... Correction, he looked hot in it.

His hair was still a bit wet, making him look all the more ruggedly handsome. And his voice... At the moment, Ana was mentally slapping herself, because from the first time she heard his voice through the phone, she thought it sounded super attractive, sexy even. And now that she was able to place the voice with his face, it all made perfect sense. And don't forget his smile... it was beautiful also.

"Ana, are you listening?" Christian asked, while furrowing his brows.

"Huh? Yeah, of course. You were saying?" she asked, as she nervously ran a hand over her hair.

Oh God, she was so busted! Ana knew that at the moment her cheeks had turned crimson red, so she did her very best to avoid his gaze.

"I asked if you still wanna know the rest of the story?" he said, attempting to lock eyes with her.

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