I am here to stay

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As a tear escaped his eye, Christian sighed, still not looking at her." Ana, I need you to leave immediately... go home... now!" he threatened, his voice lower than usual.

Ana heard what Christian said, but she ignored his words. As she walked closer, she noticed that his right hand had dried blood on it. The cuts from the mirror were nasty, but they were healing nicely.

At one point, he felt the warmth of her body as she stood so close to him. Christian closed his eyes, as he concentrated on breathing in her sweet scent. God! It was almost cruel that she was so close and yet he couldn't hold her, or touch her, but mostly tell her that he needed her. He needed her, because she was the only one who was able to make the emptiness go away. If only he could just let her know that he wanted her to stay... He wanted to... so badly but he was forbidden to do so.

After losing Demetrios, he never thought that it was possible that someone would come along and make him feel again, make him love again. And since Ana walked into his life, she made him do just that...

"Christian." he heard her say, her voice so gentle, sweet and soft.

Just like her.

Christian opened his eyes, but didn't reply. From behind, Ana bit her bottom lip, while contemplating what to do. She wanted him to turn around and look at her, but he didn't even reply when she said his name.

"Christian. Look at me, please?" she asked.

At that, he let out a breathy sigh and slowly turned around to face her. What she saw in his eyes, was heart breaking...

In his eyes, Ana saw a man who was grieving—a man who was experiencing pain and sorrow, a man so broken, making her doubt if he could be 'fixed' at all.

Ana felt so torn at the moment, because she wanted to cup his face... to caress his cheek. But she was afraid of how he would react to it. Will he reject her if she tried? She couldn't handle rejection from him, so instead she looked at him with loving, pleading eyes.

"Christian. Talk to me, please? Whose room is this?" she asked.

Ana knew whose room this was, obviously, but she wanted him to confide in her. The moment those words left her lips, he felt a chill down his spine. He hadn't talked about Demetrios in years with anyone. And Christian wanted to tell her— he did! He desperately needed to tell her everything about his baby boy, but it hurt so much to even be reminded of him.

At the moment, he felt so empty and felt as if he was drowning in dark, cold water, desperately trying to swim to the surface, but something was holding him down. He felt like he lost Demetrios all over again, his heart about to burst from the pain!

Christian wanted to reach out to Ana so desperately and he was so close to telling her that he needed her more than ever. But his conscious mind told him that he shouldn't do that. That would be a very bad idea.

He had to let her go... his heart wanted her, but his head told him NO! At that, he broke eye contact and looked the other way instead.

"That is none of your damn business, Ana." He replied, saying the words but internally wishing that he hadn't.

Ana felt a gut wrenching pain in her heart, as those words reached her ears. Her lips were trembling at that, attempting to understand why he was being so cruel to her right now. She knew that he was hurting, but did she deserve this? To be treated like this?

"Christian... I am here for you. Why are you pushing me away?" she asked, her eyes welling up.

At that, he locked eyes with her and said." I don't need your pity, Ana. Why are you here? Did Calinico or Elena ask you to come and talk some sense into me? Did they? Well, you can go. I do not need anything from you."

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