When can we see Christian?

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Elena Lincoln was looking out the helicopter, thinking about the call she received 24 hours ago. It was Christian's butler, saying that she was needed in Tinos. As a sigh escaped her plump red lips, she couldn't imagine how her long time friend had the strength to live his life. Tragedy after tragedy Christian had to experience and still, he was able to get up in the morning and live another day.

When Christian's son died three years ago, he was inconsolable. Calinico immediately had called Elena and without hesitation, she was in Tinos within five days. She wanted to be there earlier, but all the flights were delayed because of very bad weather. When she arrived at the villa, Christian had left a trail of destruction! He had rearranged his bedroom and the living room completely. Elena had found him in the library on his knees with a picture of Demetrios in his hand, as gut wrenching sobs escaped his pale lips. That day Christian was a totally different man; Elena almost didn't recognize him. Christian had dark bags under his eyes and he rambled on and on about the family curse.

From Calinico, Elena had heard that Christian hadn't eaten and showered for a couple of days, he hadn't gone to work either. And they hadn't held the funeral for his son, cause Christian had REFUSED to bury his little boy. It took Elena the whole night to get through to him. And finally she was able to get Christian to take a shower and eat something. Two days later, Christian buried his baby boy. His face, a picture of calmness. Outsiders would think that Christian had a cold heart, but Elena and Christian's employees knew better.

During that period, Elena had stayed a week in Tinos. She stayed till she was convinced that Christian, was going to be OK. With a heavy heart, she went back home though. Because Elena didn't want to leave her best friend alone in a huge empty villa, the villa where his son had died. A place where Demetrios didn't walk and ran through the halls anymore. Elena really didn't want to leave, but she had to go back home to her job and life.

The whole time that she was at Christian's, Elena had kept her emotions in check. But the second she arrived home, Elena let her tears flow freely. Demetrios was such a good little boy. He was an amazing kid.

"Why? Why, God?" she softly said, as a loud sob escaped her lips.

Why did something like this had to happen? Elena never liked Leila, but from that day she despised the woman with all her heart...

And now, Elena was back in Tinos. The reason was yet again a tragedy that has struck Christian. But this time it was Christian whose life was in danger. As Elena thought about the worst case scenario, freezing chills went up and down her spine. No! She should not think like that! She had to stay positive! Christian will get through this. That, Elena was sure of! He was a very strong person, physically and mentally. Christian will most definitely get through this ordeal. He will get better.

As Elena stepped out of the helicopter, she inhaled the fresh air of Tinos. She felt at home...

The moment Elena arrived at the villa, Calinico immediately welcomed her inside. They went to the library and as Elena took a seat in a chair, Calinico poured them two drinks, one for himself.

After Elena accepted her drink, Calinico sat right next to her."I'm so glad you're here, Miss Elena." Calinico said, while drinking his scotch. He then continued, while nervously sipping at the strong drink. "Sorry that you have to see me like this, but I always drink when I'm worried."

"It's OK, Calinico. Tell me what happened, from the start please." Elena said, while watching the butler, her hand clenching the glass.

At that, the older man told Elena the whole story.

After it all sank in, Elena said."So, uuhm... it's all true? The curse and everything? Also that Agathe has finally returned? And Christian believes this?"

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