She is mine

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Two weeks and four days had passed, since Ana left Christian's hotel room. She threw a quick glance at her watch and saw that it was almost 7 in the evening. Hurriedly, she got up and walked out her office. As she stepped into the elevator, she heard someone call out to her.

"Hey, Ana. Will I see you at the party?" Jason asked, a smile gracing his handsome face.

The firm she worked at, had organized a party for all employees.

She cleared her throat and nodded." Yeah, of course. And you?" Ana replied.

Jason's face immediately lit up, as he heard her answer." I will be attending the party, yes." He responded.

As the elevator went down, it stopped a few times, letting others get inside. Ana and Jason spoke about the latest case they were working on, until they reached the first floor. Jason walked Ana to her car, even though she declined.

As Ana slid into the driver's seat, Jason nodded." See you in a few." He said and walked towards his own car.

During the drive to her apartment, Ana concentrated on the road. And of course Christian was also on her mind. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get him out of her head. As she let out a deep breath, Ana's eyes welled up.

'I gotta stop thinking about him. I gotta accept that he doesn't want me in his life for some God damn reason!' she thought.

Since she left his hotel room that night, she hadn't called or seen him. That night, Ana asked him numerous times who he was talking about. He talked about evil people wanting to hurt her, but he didn't explain anything to her. Though she begged him to confide in her, he refused to. She spent 30 minutes, asking him to make her understand, but he had shut her out. Completely...

"Why are you pushing me away?" she asked him, as her voice trembled.

He didn't answer though. Instead, Christian helped Ana wear her jacket and begged her to go.

So that did it! She had enough of his stubbornness and stormed out his hotel room. Ana drove away as fast as she could, as her tears rolled down her cheeks. When she stepped out of her car, she looked up and saw Christian at a distance, sitting in a car... He had followed her, because he wanted to make sure that she arrived home safely...

As she swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat, Ana turned around and walked away, her heart ramming against her rib cage...

That was almost three weeks ago and yet it felt like it happened yesterday...

As Ana reached her apartment, she unlocked her door and walked inside. She placed her briefcase and phone on the desk and decided to take a warm and relaxing bath. God, she needed that. The party will begin around 8, but she didn't care to arrive on time. She really needed that bath. Right now.

As Ana undressed, she looked at her own reflection in the mirror. Why did she love him this much? It hurts so much, not being able to be with him. As a sharp pain consumed her heart, she got her bath ready and stepped inside the tub.

"Hmmmm..." she sighed, feeling her muscles relax instantly.

As Ana closed her eyes, she slowly and eventually felt a bit better. The warm water did her good. As her mind drifted off, it brought her back in Tinos.

The green forest... the mountains, where she and Christian looked at the marbles... ... the beach where she laid down on, after he saved her from almost drowning... the blue ocean, where she held onto him for dear life... his cottage, where he opened up to her and shared a bit of his life with her... his villa, where she found out about Agathe and the curse ...

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