The reunion

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Approximately thirty minutes later, Andreas escorted Ana out the hotel and into his limo. While he slid next to Ana inside the car, she smiled nervously, and began to tug at the strap of her bag, like she always does when she was feeling extremely nervous. A sigh escaped her lips, her heart beating a hundred miles per hour, as she thought about Christian.

Oh, God... how will the reunion go?!' was what bounced inside her skull, not realizing that she was tugging at the bag so tightly.

Andreas' eyes landed on hers, the moment the driver started the limo. He cleared his throat, and placed a hand on Ana's wrist. "Miss Ana, are you alright?"

Her eyes fluttered shut for a moment, still tugging at the bag."Uhmm... I'm not so sure," Ana replied, and then opened her eyes." To be honest, I'm really nervous... I'm beyond excited and happy to see Christian again, but I don't know... I've got this gut feeling... I cannot explain..."

Andreas let out a deep breath, and locked eyes with Ana." I have to tell you something unnerving, Miss Ana..." he confessed, making her extremely anxious.

In her opinion, Parthenios' second in command looked very on edge and worried at the moment. It frightened Ana, because up until now the young man appeared calm and clearheaded, even during the whole Giorgos/ Parthenios ordeal. However, right now Andreas looked on edge and... even scared?!

Ana was afraid, feeling as if her heart couldn't take what he was about to tell her, and yet she nodded." Yes? What is it that you have to tell me, Mr. Liakos?" she asked, the tone of her voice a pitch higher, while it trembled slightly.

He cleared his throat and said. "You have to prepare yourself."

"For what?"

"When my men and I found Christian Grey, he was locked up in a cell... a cage." Andreas explained, making Ana gasp, while tears pooled in her eyes.

"No..." she whispered, and grabbed Andreas' hand for her comfort." You don't mean it..."

He nodded, and broke eye contact." I'm so sorry... but that's the truth... I didn't want to tell you that right away... I wasn't sure how to let you know about it."

Ana nodded, while attempting to push back her tears." Well, the important thing is that you've told me, Mr. Liakos." She replied." Thank you."

"I'm afraid that's not all, Miss Ana." He announced, and looked straight at her.

Ana shook her head, and prepared herself (her heart) for the worst." OK, I'm ready... what is it. Tell me, please?"

She wasn't sure if she wanted to know, afraid of what Andreas was going to tell her. However, if it involved Christian, Ana had to know!

"Aren't you curious where we are taking you, Miss Ana?" he asked.

She then looked out the window, and noticed that the limo driver was taking a road unfamiliar to Ana.

As she scrunched her brows together, Ana stared her eyes out." Whe... where are we going? Where are you taking me?"

He sighed deeply, and said." After we surrounded the cottage, where Christian Grey's ex-wife and her men had been keeping him, my men fought and overpowered them. After that, we found him in that cell... that cage," he began , but stopped his explanation to pour himself a drink." I'm so sorry, Miss Ana... I just need a drink... a strong one."

She had a feeling that what Andreas was about to tell her must be awful, the way his hands trembled slightly, while pouring the drink and also it trembled as he brought the glass towards his lips.

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