Please, take that one step

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Ana was lying on the beach near the hotel at the moment. She was anxiously waiting for Kate to arrive the next day. As she saw her dad walking towards her, Ana's lips curled into a genuine smile. Since they both have arrived at Tinos, Ana's gotten very close to him. That wasn't the case before. The reason for it? Ana felt that since the day her mom died, a weird vibe between them had sprung to life. Before Tinos, she wasn't sure if she was imagining it because of the guilt, but that was how she felt. Ana had always blamed herself for her mom's death, assuming that her dad did the same, even if he never expressed it with words. It was a car accident that took her mom's life. That day Ana needed a ride home, because her car was in the shop. Ana's mom died on impact, but miraculously Ana only had minor injuries. She never talked to her dad about her guilt though; she was too afraid to hear him say that he indeed blamed her.

But now Ana felt that the weird vibe had vanished completely. That gnawing, guilty feeling had disappeared, and she felt even closer to him than ever before. Ana knows now that her father would never blame her for the accident. It was all imagined by her, because of how guilty she felt about it.

"Beautiful day, huh?" Mr. Steele said, as he sat next to Ana on the blanket.

"Definitely, dad. The weather is just perfect!" Ana replied, while she sat up and gave him a proper hug.

Ana noticed then that her dad had something on his mind.

"Dad, spit it out please? I know you wanna ask me something. What is it?" she asked, squeezing his hand lightly.

He hesitated for a moment, but decided to just say it." Something has been bothering me for quite some time now, Ana. But the thing is, I —uhmm, I don't know— I'm not sure if it's my place to be asking this."

"Come on, whatever it is, dad. You can ask me. I'm still your little girl." she said with a smile, making his heart swell.

"OK— I know it is none of my business and besides I was the one who said that you shouldn't be involved with men right now. But uhmm— what happened between you and Christian?" he asked, his eyes locked on Ana's.

Ana's smile immediately disappeared at that. Instead a sad look in her eyes surfaced. As Ana attempted to keep it together, her eyes fluttered shut.

"I know you just met the guy... you've been here only thirteen days. But I noticed that you two clicked right away. And he is a very good man— I know that you've been hurt in the most horrible way, Ana. But I know that Christian is nothing like your ex. Don't you wanna give Christian a ch..." he said, but was cut off by Ana.

"It has nothing to do with my ex, dad! OK? I like Christian too— I like him very much, I mean... he is such a great guy. Amazing even. He has saved my life two times now and the second time, he almost died. I don't know— I just... Calinico said that Christian has always been too good for this world. And I believe him. But, maybe... maybe I just don't deserve him? "Ana explained, her brows furrowed.

At that, Ana's father cupped her face and said. "Ana, my baby girl. Of course you deserve him! Why would you think that? You are amazing too... just like him. Well, in my eyes no one will ever be good enough for you. But he's OK I guess." he said, sounding very convincing.

"Dad, he is the kindest and nicest man I know. Well besides you of course. And he deserves the best in life. But life has been so cruel to him!" Ana uttered, as tears pooled in her eyes, not being able to keep it together anymore.

"Christian is an orphan, he never knew his parents. He lost his son, three years ago. He is in the hospital at the moment, because he was brutally attacked by 'some things'. And now, I just want him to... to be a little happy, you know? He deserves happiness so badly, dad. But I... I cannot give him that, because I am too damaged for him." Ana said, her voice breaking near the end.

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