The cave

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"I love you" Christian whispered in her ear, and then his eyes locked onto Ana's, boring into hers, making every inch of her body tingle, every nerve ending set ablaze by what he was doing to her right now.

And of course that brought her over the edge, making her come so sweetly, one hand gripping the sheets, and the other clawing at Christian's muscled back.

Ana came with a bang, seeing stars behind her eyelids, while with one last push from him, he also came roughly inside of her, his eyes turning into that familiar yellow color, his senses overly heightened.

"Love ya too" she whispered, and nestled into his warmth, a very satisfied smile playing at her pink lips.

"Tomorrow will be the day, my whirlwind" he uttered, and held her tightly, his eyes fluttering shut.

"Yes" Ana whispered, and planted a sweet kiss on his lips.

"Are you ready to liberate the 'Niarxos' family line, my love?"

Ana nodded in response." Never been more ready" she answered, and gripped his hand tightly." I was destined to be here in this moment in time, Christian"

She truly believed that...

And as slumber finally took over, their eyelids getting heavy by the second, he placed her hand over his heart.

"My love"




Meanwhile, Demetra was in the kitchen, placing every single ingredient on the huge table.

As she grabbed the biggest pot out the cupboard, she heard the kitchen door open.

"You still up?" she heard a familiar voice say.

In response, Demetra turned around, and saw Andreas standing in the doorway." I'm making sure everything is ready for tomorrow" she answered, her eyes locked onto his.

"I understand" he countered, and closed the gap between them.

"Thank you for getting my 'magic' book, Andreas" Demetra uttered, as he stood right in front of her.

"You're welcome" he told her, eyes still locked onto hers, making her tummy do delicious flip flops.

As they gazed into each other's eyes, Demetra felt this magical energy, connecting them as if they knew each other their whole lives.

"Do you feel it?" he asked, and carefully brought his hand towards her gorgeous face.

She nodded in response." I do"

The moment his fingers touched her cheek, Demetra's emerald eyes fluttered shut, and that's when a forcefield appeared around them.

"Open your eyes, Demetra" she heard him say, and when she did, she saw him smile from ear to ear.

"This is amazing!" She uttered, her eyes shining like stars.

Andreas smiled in response, and said." It is, but you are magnificent..."

As those words reached her ears, Demetra gave him a loving look." I know we just met, Andreas..." she started.

"I know... I feel it too" he gently cut her off, while cupping her face with one hand. "Miss Steele told me that your ancestor told her in that vision that we're bonded since the day you and I met..."

"You're my amplifier" She added, and touched his cheek softly, making his heart skip a beat.

"Can I kiss you?" Andreas asked, not being able to contain these strong feelings for this gorgeous beauty any longer, while giving her a pleading look.

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