Never ever let go

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At the moment, Ana was chatting with the others. Elena and her father were discussing politics, while Kate was busy with her phone, laughing loudly. Apparently one of her Facebook friends had posted a hilarious joke on her wall. Calinico was busy in the kitchen, while Ana's eyes darted towards Christian, locking with his.

He had been watching her the whole time. But they hadn't had the chance to speak in private with each other since their phone conversation that afternoon, one week ago. As his eyes bored into hers, Ana's cheeks immediately turned a darker shade of pink, so she instantly avoided his gaze by looking the other way.

As a sigh escaped her red lips, Ana's mind drifted off to their passionate kisses in the limo...

Christian noticed that she looked the other way, so he decided to take matters in own hands. He couldn't take it any longer, desperately wanting... no needing to be alone with Ana. At that, Christian decided to just go and 'kidnap' her, so he could have her all to himself. He got up at that, and walked straight to Ana's direction. With a smile on his face, Christian finally stood right in front of her. He then cleared his throat, 'forcing' Ana to look up at him.

"Ana, would you like to get some fresh air?" Christian asked, his eyes locked on hers, and his voice filled with need.

At that she nodded shyly and as her eyes stayed locked on his, Ana swore that he probably saw right through her soul...

She got on her feet, and slowly followed Christian outside, her heart pounding against her chest.

Kate noticed the two walking out the front door, so she decided to tease them." Your highness, make sure you bring Cinderella home before the clock strikes 12!" she exclaimed, making the others chuckle while Ana's dad shook his head, smiling.


Hand in hand, Ana and Christian walked down the path and they ended up in the garden.( he used one crutch this evening) They both were silent, afraid that words were going to ruin the perfect evening. As Ana's eyes landed on the double swing set, she laughed softly.

At that, he turned her way and looked at Ana." So... you wanna try it out?" he asked.

"Uhmm, yes, I'd like that. But only if you will join me." Ana replied, her heart kicking up a notch.

He smiled at that, and shook his head." That won't be necessary. I'll push the swing for you." Christian commented.

"No! Your knees, Christian." she exclaimed.

"Don't worry, I... uhmm, I swallowed some painkillers this afternoon." He replied, sounding very convincing.

At that, Ana furrowed her brows, and looked at Christian with concerned eyes.

"Don't worry, I only use the pills when I really need them, Ana." He promised, so she let him help her sit on the swing.

Christian stood behind Ana, and began pushing the swing with one hand, making Ana's lips curl into a genuine smile. She looked so endearing!

"When we were little, Kate and I used to go to the playground. My mom used to take us." Ana whispered, the tone of her voice sad, while it trembled lightly.

Christian heard joy but also the pain in Ana's voice. Mr. Steele had once told him that his loving wife had died years ago. At that, he wanted to ask Ana about her mom, but he hesitated. He didn't want to hurt her by bringing up the past... her past. From his own experience, Christian knew that bringing up the past, talking about it, could make old wounds and of course pain resurface. So, he just sighed and silently pushed the swing.

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