Where are you, my love?

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She heard exactly five shots and then heard two bodies fall to the ground with a loud thud...

No, no, no... Oh, God! Was Parthenios dead?!

At the moment Ana was in the hospital. Just the familiar scent of the place made her nauseous, the memory of Christian being here not so long ago almost too much for her heart to take.

As a sigh escaped her lips, Ana thought back on what just happened a few hours ago. After Parthenios and the other monster was shot by one of 'the Phoenixes', using a tranquilizer gun, they both were brought into this hospital.

From another 'Phoenix', Ana found out that the other monster was indeed Christian's cousin, Giorgos! During the fight, both of Christian's cousins had done damage to each other.

That's why Parthenios' second in command, Andreas Liakos, took over temporarily when their leader was badly injured.

So, now here they all were in the waiting room of the hospital. Ana's eyes darted towards Andreas, observing the young man. He couldn't be older than 25, she guessed. And yet he looked like the kind of man, sitting proudly and firm with his head held high in his seat, like he had been prepared from a very young age to take on big responsibilities.

Ana let out a deep breath, and wondered just how much damage Giorgos had done to his own cousin.

And most importantly, why did he attack 'the Phoenixes'?

As the wheels in Ana's head started to turn and turn, she thought about Adon Papadakis.

Had he been the one to send Giorgos to attack Parthenios?! Well, that wouldn't surprise her at all. Ana suspected that Adon also was the one who had grabbed Christian against his will and kept him some place on the island...

Something... her gut told her that it was all Adon's doing!

Ana was taken out of her thoughts by the surgeon who was treating Parthenios. As she walked towards them, they all stood up. Ana, Andreas, and the other 'Phoenixes'.

The doctor had a relieved look on her face, and told Andreas that Parthenios was going to be fine.

"He'll need a lot of rest. Three weeks or so, but he'll make it. He's one strong man." She stated, and smiled.

Andreas thanked her, and they all sighed in relief. As the news reached Ana, a tear rolled down her cheek. She was so happy that Christian's cousin was going to be fine.

'Well, of course he's a strong man.' Ana thought, as a genuine smile played at her lips.' Parthenios came from the same bloodline as Christian... he also was a Niarxos.'

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Three days later, Ana woke up with a huge head ache. She was still unsure what to do, not knowing what will happen now that Parthenios was temporarily out of commission. She had attempted to visit Parthenios multiple times over the course of the passed three days, but had failed every single time.

She wasn't family, they said. And he was still in intensive care.

All kinds of excuses the personnel of the hospital threw at Ana's face. She even tried to have an appointment with Andreas, but they had refused to let her speak with the young man. Right now, Andreas was the temporarily leader until Parthenios was well enough to take his job back.

As a sigh escaped her lips, Ana sat up in the bed and wondered if she should try again to ask for Andreas' help in finding Christian. Should she though? Maybe the third time's the charm? She wasn't sure... however, Ana knew that she had to try!

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