Just breathe, Miss Ana

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At the moment Elena was sitting on the balcony, having breakfast. She was deep in thought, wondering if Christian will wake up or not. It has been 6 days now.

Calinico was pouring her some coffee and asked. "Miss Elena, what's on your mind?"

At that, Elena let out a deep breath."One thing is bothering me immensely. I don't understand why Yorgos was able to win during their fight, Calinico. Christian is much stronger than his cousin. How was he able to hurt Christian that much?" she asked, her brows furrowing.

Calinico took a seat and looked Elena in the eyes." The doctor told me that Mr. Christian was stabbed in his chest. The blade nearly missed his heart." The older man whispered.

"What? Stabbed? Yorgos stabbed him? Did this happen before they fought with their... their claws?" Elena whispered the last two words.

The butler nodded at that." It seems so. Galya told me that Mr. Christian warned Yorgos first. He wasn't the one who attacked first. Mr. Christian tried to talk to Yorgos, but when he got close to him, Yorgos stabbed him with the blade. So Mr. Christian was already weakened by that wound. And when they both were in their 'other' form, he still was able to do a lot of damage on Yorgos, even though, Mr. Chrisian lost a lot of blood by then."

Elena shook her head at that."So, Christian really did a number on his cousin, huh?" she stated.

"Yes, Yorgos' whole body is covered with claw marks. Deep ones." the older man whispered.

Elena cringed at the thought." So except for that stab wound, Christian didn't have any other injuries?" she asked.

"Yes, some claw marks. One very deep one and two shallow ones." the older man replied. He too was cringing.

"So, isn't the doctor going to report the stab wound to the Police?" Elena asked with a worried tone in her voice.

Calinico shook his head at that."No, the detective who's handling the case, is a family friend. He will keep quiet about it. Don't worry, Miss." the older man promised.

Relieved at that, Elena drank her coffee further and concentrated on reading the newspaper. She just wished so badly that her best friend will be his old self again soon. Elena could only hope and pray.

~ Later that day ~

At the moment, Ana was taking a stroll in the garden. Her father and Elena were out for the day, so she had some time for herself. Calinico was in the villa, getting ready to go to the hospital with her. At the moment, she was smelling a pretty red rose and thought of Christian. Just the thought of him, made her happy and sad at the same time. In the passed days Elena had told her so much about Christian; it broke her heart knowing how cruel life had been to him.

Ana had asked Elena how his son died. At first she was reluctant to tell Ana about it, but she eventually told her. Ana couldn't believe how Christian had lost his son. It was unimaginable for her how a mother could be that way.

Christian was such a strong man, physically and mentally. Even when life brought him down to his knees, he found the strength and courage to get up again. And again. And again.

After knowing more about him, Ana began to have admiration for Christian. Not only that, but she also realized that she was beginning to like him very much. The thought of having such strong feelings for someone scared Ana to death, because she wasn't ready to let a man into her heart again. Not yet anyway. And yet, nothing terrified her more than the thought of losing Christian, the thought of not being able to tell him that she admired him, the thought of not being able to thank him for saving her life. Again...

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