It will be worth it

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But Ana was still frozen at her spot... she was so afraid.

Christian's attention was solely directed at Ana, the world around him fading away completely. His focus was 100 % on her and only her at that moment, his heart beating wildly like it wanted to burst out of his chest. He was watching her every move. Her breathing, the way her heart rate had quickened, the look in her eyes, the way her knees were shaking... her body language was telling him more than words were able to.

Since he was ten years old, Christian had developed his senses; his hearing, eye sight and scent were very sensitive, let's say said senses were very heightened. It gave him the ability to smell, see and hear better— probably tenfold, compared to what other humans were capable of. It was the result of their family curse... all male descendants of the Niarxos family had those abilities. In time, Christian had managed to control those heightened senses, making him able to turn it off on command.

But at that very moment, Christian couldn't help it. He was using said senses to observe the young woman in front of him... Ana.

She was still frozen at her spot, making him wonder what she was thinking. Christian didn't know what was going through her pretty little head, but he had a feeling that it must be something big. From the way she was standing, Christian knew that if he didn't hold her up soon that she would sink to the ground.

For Ana, seeing him, clearly seem to be too much for her mind and heart to process. As Christian watched her, the wheels in his head kept turning. He never knew love—you know the kind of love you feel for one special someone. He never had those feelings, but his guts told him that these feelings that he had for Ana, was about to turn into just that— very soon. It frightened Christian though, but it also made him feel incredible.

At a certain point, Christian wanted to help Ana get through what she was going through at that moment, so he reached out to her. With his arm stretched out, the palm of his hand open, he looked at her with pleading eyes, asking her without words to take his hand.

'Take my hand. God, please. Let her take my hand in hers.' Christian prayed.

At that, a tear had escaped Ana's eye, knowing what he was asking of her. Ana wanted nothing more than to do as he asked, but she was torn. She knew that if she took that step, there was no turning back! Never before did she have such strong feelings for someone, until Christian came into her life. Fear struck her, when Ana realized that her past would probably haunt her always. But like Galya said; could she let Christian help her heal? She didn't know the answer to that question, but if she didn't take that chance. How will she find out?

Fear will always be there. Fear of getting hurt, fear to love again, fear to let someone into her heart, but fear shouldn't get in the way of what she wanted or needed. It exists so it can be overcome...

Suddenly, a sense of calmness took over her whole being. Knowing that Christian would be there for her to save her, to pick her up, when she needed him. She was still afraid, but at that moment, Ana decided to— to just take that risk...

While observing Ana, Christian at one point saw something in her pretty eyes. It looked like a spark of light, and in that moment, he knew that she had decided to let him in.

Ana slowly brought her hand closer to his. As the seconds passed, she brought her hand closer and closer... Her fingertips brushing against his, making an invisible force, a current go through both of their bodies.

'Grab my hand, please.' Christian prayed.

As their fingers finally collided, Ana and Christian's eyes both fluttered shut at the same time. It didn't matter where they were. It didn't matter to Ana anymore why he said Leila's name first. It didn't matter to Christian why Ana didn't visit him. All that mattered was the here and now.

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