Two hearts blending into one soul

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VERY IMPORTANT Author's NOTE: I'm writing this note to clarify the timeline, dear readers. This chapter picks up right after the second part of the previous chapter (chapter 38). So, after this scene:

The woman lives in Syros... Who exactly?

Well, the great great grand daughter of the witch who had cursed Christian's family of course...

Was this plain coincidence or was it fate?



... Hours later ...

Andreas Liakos scanned his surroundings, while sitting in a coffee shop. He was still in Syros, and was planning on paying the great great grand daughter of the witch who had cursed Christian's ancestor centuries ago, a visit.

He knew he was taking a huge risk, especially going alone without back-up. However, he couldn't take any of his men with him. They were loyal to Andreas... for now, but if they discovered that he purposely ignored Parthenios' orders, and went behind his back to meet up with this woman, they'd rapport it to their true leader.

He couldn't let that happen, because if his leader found out what he'd been up to, Andreas would lose everything. Parthenios had the power to take away everything from him and his family, including their possessions, their membership as 'Phoenixes' and their status in Tinos.

Their leader doesn't take betrayal lightly...

So, no. Andreas had to do this alone. He was determined to find another way for Ana and Christian... He choose live above everything else, even if that meant betraying his leader. It pained him, but he had to do this.

Half an hour ago, Andreas had knocked on her door, but no one was home. He then knocked on her neighbor's door. An old woman opened the door and asked him who he was and what he needed.

"I'm an old friend of Demetra's... we know each other from school. I was in town, so I thought why not pay her a visit? So, here I am." he lied to the neighbor.

"Miss Marinos is not home yet" the old woman told him.

"So... what time does she usually comes home? Is she at work now?"

The old woman nodded." Yes, she's at work... uhumm, you can wait if you like. Miss Marinos will be home soon." she told him." You can wait for her at the coffee shop down stairs... if you sit by the window, you'll be able to see her when she goes up the stairs."

"Good... thank you so much" Andreas commented, and smiled at the neighbor." I'll come back later then..."

He was already walking away, but then he turned back." Wait... wait! How will I recognize her?"

The old woman smiled." Oh... you will recognize her... she's a petite young lady, and has the most beautiful smile."

"OK" he replied, and that's when she shut her front door.

And so here Andreas was, waiting for a petite young woman with the beautiful smile.

At a certain point, he got so bored and was just about to order another pie, when he saw her...

His mouth fell open slightly, as he saw the most beautiful vision ever...

The woman was petite, her white dress flowed gloriously, her long raven black hair fell down her shoulders, her skin tone was a pretty light brown color and her eyes were absolutely mesmerizing.

Two hearts, one soulWhere stories live. Discover now