We will be free

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Christian ended the conversation with Calinico, and decided to look for Ana. She wasn't in the kitchen nor in the first bedroom. Ana wasn't in the second one either. God! What has she done?!

"Ana!"he called.

At that, Christian's heartbeat had kicked up two notches. Has she gone inside the third bedroom? No... As he reached said bedroom, he noticed that the door was open. And there Ana was, picking up a toy. It was Demetrios' favorite one.

"Ana, what are you doing here?" he asked, his face expressionless.

She immediately let go of Pooh bear and observed Christian.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be nosy. I thought that you said that it was OK for me to take a look around." Ana managed to say, a bit startled at the expression on Christian's face. It made her feel very uncomfortable, like she just had done something awful.

He tried to mask it, but Ana was able to see the pain in his eyes. At that moment he looked so broken.

As Christian saw the toy, he felt a gut wrenching pain in his heart... Demetrios, my baby boy. Everything that reminded him of his little boy was still just as Demetrios left it. Christian never had the courage, never had the heart to get rid of any of the stuff that was inside the bedroom. Demetrios' bedroom in the villa was in the same state; everything was just as he left it. Every piece of clothing was still in the closet and every toy was at the same place.

Now and again, Christian looked at Demetrios' picture that was hidden safely in his desk drawer at the office. But just looking at it or thinking about his baby boy, made Christian miss his son oh so much. The feeling was too excruciating to put down in words.

At a certain point Ana noticed that Christian had trouble standing on his own feet, so she walked towards him and led him out the bedroom. Silently they sat on the couch, while Ana watched him.

"I know that it's a stupid question. But... uhum, are you OK Christian? Right now you are scaring the hell out of me. Do you know that?" she asked, genuinely concerned, as she gently placed a hand on his upper arm.

After a minute or two Christian was able to collect himself, and he took a deep breath, while getting up.

"Now I'm OK. Let's get out of here, Ana." he said, sounding calm again.

Ana wanted to ask him what was wrong, but she decided not to press the matter. She noticed also that he had that look on his face again. The look that showed that he had his feelings and the situation under control. At that, Ana reluctantly got up and together they walked out the cottage.


When Ana and Christian had reached the villa, Calinico was already waiting impatiently for them at the garden.

"Mr. Christian! Thank the Gods that you're here! I really need to talk to you in private." He said, the tone of his voice sounding strange in Ana's ears.

At that Ana furrowed her brows, and said."OK, I'll wait for you at the terras?"

"No!" both men said in unison.

At that, Ana placed both her hands on her hips and said."OK, you both should stop acting so mysterious. What's going on here?"

"Please, Ana. Can you wait here for a couple of minutes?" Christian asked politely.

Ana wondered what in heaven's name was going on. Christian was acting like himself again, being oh so calm and in control. She was curious why the two of them were acting so mysterious, but decided to let it go...For now.

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