Oblivious! Male Reader X Yandere! BBW! Himiko Toga!!

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You are Y/n L/n, You are A Student at Your Local High School, and you're nothing that Special. Average Grades, Average skills, and Average Social Life, But there was one thing that made you different from the rest of The Pack! You had A Yandere girl who was Constantly after your affections but you were too Oblivious to notice!

You were Known around the school for being that guy always being stalked by that Creepy cute girl, and nobody ever messed with you after she murdered the guys who beat you up with A Brookstick, A Bucket of Bleach, and A Sock full of Nickles!

Her Name was Himiko toga and she was A Cold-Blooded Yandere who would do anything to gain your affections and so far you were obvious to it as hell, and she has been trying to figure out what makes you tick in An attempt to win our affections but so Far nothing!

This leads to right now where you were talking to your friend Math who was trying to get it through your thick skull that maybe Himiko likes you!

Math: "Hey, Y/n?"

Y/n: "Yeah, Best Buddy?"

Math: "Do you ever think that Maybe Himiko Likes you?"

Y/n: "Yeah, we're friends."

Math: "No I mean as she like... In love with you, Maybe even Obsessed with you."

Y/n: "Hmm, Nope! We're just friends!"

Math: "Bruh! She Literally stalks you everywhere, she kills anyone who would dare hurt you, I mean she even has A Shrine to you in her Locker in full View in front of everyone! Hell, she's known by everyone as "That Creepy girl that's Obsessed with Y/n L/n!"

Y/n: "Mmm, Nope doesn't see it. Sorry."

He then Just Facepalms as You both then heard A Voice as you smiled and he Got A Little Scared!

???: "Hiiiii, Darling~!"

Y/n: "Hi, Himiko!"

Himiko was A Tiny, Flatchested, Petite young thing who was A Bundle of cuteness and Psychosis who has A Rather large Kill Streak! Himiko then pulls out A Knife and continued smiling!

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Himiko was A Tiny, Flatchested, Petite young thing who was A Bundle of cuteness and Psychosis who has A Rather large Kill Streak! Himiko then pulls out A Knife and continued smiling!

Himiko: "You wouldn't be happening to talk to any girls right? You know what happens if you do right Darling~?"

Y/n: "Nope! I'm just talking to my best friend Math!"

Himiko then Glares at him the kind of Glare that says "Leave now or Die" and he got the hint!

Math: "Look I better go! Bye Y/n! Bye Himiko!"

Y/n: "Bye, Math!"

He then grabbed his bag and Ran off as Himiko hugged your waist looking up at you with A Smile!

Himiko: "Y/n Darling you Promises that we would never keep secrets right?"

Y/n: "Yep!"

Himiko: "And we would never tell lies right?"

Y/n: "Yep!"

Himiko: "So can you answer me A Question Please Y/n Darling~?"

Y/n: "Sure!"

Himiko: "Y/n, What do you like in A Girl? I mean in Physical Features? Big Boobs, Small Boobs, Long legs, Long Hair? What?"

You then Blushed A Bright pink as you tried not to look at her!

Y/n: "C-Could you Promise me You won't ever tell anyone...?"

Himiko: "I Promise on My Lucy Davis from Homeroom's Grave."

Y/n: "But she's alive."

Himiko: "Exactly."

Y/n: "Okay... Sigh...  I really enjoy Bigger women, You know I love them because Their all soft like Marshmallow's and I always wondered what it's like to feel their soft Bodies, and make sure how their spoiled rotten, and treated like A Queen, as I want to feed them and take care of them, so I can feel kiss them on the Lips, and Use their Bodies as A Pillow and such!"

Himiko: "So You're into BBWs then?"

Y/n: "That's what They called? Oh, Okay then, Yeah."

Himiko then began to think of herself as she smiled Deviously!

Himiko: 'So He wants A Big Girl huh? Damn me and my Tiny, Flat, ass! I was going wrong on this the entire time! I have to get as big as Possible Just to make him mine and make sure no other woman can steal him from me! That is my goal and I'll make sure to do my Goddamn Best to win my Love once and for all!' "Hey Darling, You mind Buying me some Lunch?"

Y/n: "Sure, How Much?"

Himiko: "As Much as you can! And I mean as Much as you can!"

3 weeks later!

You Haven't seen Himiko in the Last Three weeks which was Strange because she always sticks to your side like Glue but no she wasn't and it made you worried! So you went over to her house, to see if she is Okay and you knocked on it several times not getting any answer so you basically pulled out your spare key and walk in to see it was Incredibly dark except for A Light on Upstairs!

You ran upstairs and saw the light was coming from A Crack in her Bedroom door and You knocked on it to see if she was Okay!

Y/n: "Himiko are you Okay!? I haven't seen you in three weeks!"

You then heard her voice from the other side!

Himiko: "Oh, Y/n It's you! Didn't expect you to show up so soon! Let me pose Sexily and- Welp, Nevermind! Just walk in! I'm already sexy enough!"

You then opened the door and You immediately had A Nosebleed at what you saw Before you as Himiko was trying to be as Sexy as Possible and was smiling with her Fangs showing!

Himiko: "Ta-Da! I did all of this just for you! Tell me you like it of course!"

You stood still there having your Nosebleed as You walked over and Fell facefirst into her overly ample chest as you began kissing her Body, and she smiled and Euphorcilly Moaned as you used your hands to Grab her Belly and feel it as you smile!

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You stood still there having your Nosebleed as You walked over and Fell facefirst into her overly ample chest as you began kissing her Body, and she smiled and Euphorcilly Moaned as you used your hands to Grab her Belly and feel it as you smile!

Y/n: "It's just how I imagined it! This is so amazing! You're truly the best Himiko! Truly the best!"

Himiko: "Great! Now I Know I'm Girlfriend Material!" 'Now It will be far harder to actually kill anyone because of my size but eh, I'll figure it out.'

Y/n: "Yeah, I gotta get us A Pair of Mattresses so we could snuggle together, and we can even watch movies together while I sit on your belly like A Beanbag chair, and I can even sleep on top of you and we can sleep together like I always Imagined!

Himiko: 'OH YES!!!' "Oh Y/n, First things Since your My boyfriend now can you please get me something to eat? And then we can Proceed to some snuggling and-"

She already noticed that you were already snuggling and Kissing her and she smiled and threw her cares!

Himiko: "Eh, who cares. I already went this Far."

She then began petting your head as you smiled as this was Pretty Much A Yandere Happy ending!

Big and Chunky (Male Reader X Chubby/BBW Waifu One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now