So Many Pork Buns!! (Pandaria) 🍋

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A/N: I wanna give Credit for this OC named Pandaria to Awesomenesslord101 on Deviantart who created her, other than that let's go!

You are A Modern Day Ninja, and Your Name is Y/n L/n, You come from A Village of Modern-day Ninja where you were A Prodigy training in every single technique your clan knows which has Air and Fire Jutsu's as you even branched out into learning others, and you even used modern technology to enhance your skills!

Your Kinda like Japan's Real-life Batman but you are more Of A Mercenary doing Jobs for Money, so you can do things like Assassinate, Mob bosses, Intimidate corrupt governors into admitting their crimes, and even Bring in People who avoided their Parole officers, but you do have your Limits as you would never hurt A Child or an Innocent person, and You would never Form Emotional Bonds with your clients...

Or so you thought.

Your Latest Mission was to Protect A Young woman by the Name of Pandaria who comes from An Affluent Family, and you were just to be A Bodyguard for her, but when you met her, you were immediately enamored with her beautiful, as she was not Just beautiful she was big as well! You always had A Thing for bigger women, and this being Japan that's A Hard thing to find, so she was A Surprise!

Right now you were at the Park with her, After she cleaned out An entire Stand of all of the Pork Buns, and You were Just trying to keep an eye over your surroundings in case anyone attacks, and you were suddenly just pushed in the face by By A Chubby Hand with A Pork Bun, and you turned to see Pandaria smiling at you!

Pandaria: "Hey Silly, you weren't Paying Attention when I asked you. Do you wanna Pork Bun?"

Y/n: "Oh, Thanks Pandaria, That's really sweet of you, but I mean A Big girl like youse gotta eat you Know

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Y/n: "Oh, Thanks Pandaria, That's really sweet of you, but I mean A Big girl like youse gotta eat you Know."

You turned bright red as you realized what you just said but she smiled, and offered it again!

Pandaria: "No, Please I Insinst. You haven't eaten all day, You must be wasting away."

Y/n: "O-Oh Thank you so much."

You then took the Porkbun and bit down on it as it was still wet and warm, and the taste of Pork Meat and BBQ Filled your mouth, as you smiled! No Wonder it was Pandaria's favorite!

Y/n: Thish is Really Good!"

Pandaria: "I Know right! They come from my Favorite Pork Bun Stand! They make the best ones!"

Y/n: "I can tell."

Pandaria then did An Adorable Giggle, as you stuffed another Pork Bun into her Gullet, and then Much to your surprise she grabbed you, and hugged you with your small and Fit body, sinking into her Massive Plush, as you blushed!

Y/n: "P-Pandaria!?"

Pandaria: "Relax, Y/n. No Ones gonna attack us. You can let your guard down for 5 seconds."

Big and Chunky (Male Reader X Chubby/BBW Waifu One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now