Obsessive Eating Disorder (Hex Maniac)

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Suggestion and Pictures Provided (but not Owned) by RebornAstute! Thanks, Buddy

We Open up inside A Schools Classroom as you were Talking to An Old Friend, Hexxie the Hex Maniac, who was Known for Being A Bit... How you Say... Crazy, at the Least! She is always into the Occult, The Macomb, and even Ghost-type Pokemon as she even has A Ghastly, Haunter, and Gengar!

She was currently confessing to you, as you were A Little Weirded out by it, to say the least!

Y/n: "I-I'm sorry I can't..."

Hexxie: "W-WHAT!? Am I not Beautiful enough for you!? Am I not strong enough for you!? Is it Because..."


Hexxie was Now eating A Bunch of Potato chips as Bags Laid all around her, as she was determined to eat as much as possible, as her Pokemon watched!

Hexxie was Now eating A Bunch of Potato chips as Bags Laid all around her, as she was determined to eat as much as possible, as her Pokemon watched!

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Her mother came in with some More Bags, and Hexxie reached her hand out almost yelling!

Hexxie: "MORE!"

Mother: "Are you sure dear? You did have plenty already."

Hexxie: "Hmmm... Maybe your right."

Flashback to earlier that Day...

Y/n: "It's Just... I Like Bigger Women You know? The Bigger the Better, That's my Motto."

Hexxie: "I-I Understand..."

Flashback end!

Hexxie: "I will get Bigger for you, And Nothing is going to stop us from getting together, Even if I have to become your Type to do so!"

She then Grabbed some Cookies and Began eating them!


Haunter: "Haunt-Haunter?"

Hexxie: "Don't Disturb me! I have to eat all of these Cookies! Chocolate chip is my favorite!"

Haunter: "Haunter?"

Hexxie: "Yeah, I don't care! Nothing is ever going to stop me! Not now not ever!"

Haunter: "Haunter?"

Haunter then begins Poking her extended belly making her laugh!

Hexxie: "Hahahahaha! Stop that Haunter that Tickles!"

Hexxie: "Hahahahaha! Stop that Haunter that Tickles!"

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Haunter: "Haunter?"

Hexxie: "Just get me some More cookies Please!"

Haunter: "Haunter."

He then Floated off to get some Cookies!

Final Timeskip!

Hexxie was now cleaned the entire Fridge out of everything it has, as she was Just stuffing her face with her Barehands, as she was getting stains all over her Gown as she smiled!

Hexxie: "Oh This is So Good and Delicious! And Look at how Big I am! Now there is No way any girl can ever take him away from me! Evil wins again!"

Gengar: "Sigh... Gengar..."

Hexxie: "Don't act like A Downer, and Get me some more food! You should try some it's delicious!"

Just then she Heard of the door Opening, and you just walked in, with A Somewhat sorrowful look on your face!

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Just then she Heard of the door Opening, and you just walked in, with A Somewhat sorrowful look on your face!

Y/n: "H-Hey Hexxie, I'm so sorry That I might have broken your heart. I mean I didn't mean to be so harsh If I was, I Just have A Preference for larger ladies, and-"

Hexxie: "Y/N-KUN!"

Y/n: "H-HOLY CRAP! H-Hexxie!?"

Hexxie then Glomped you, nearly crushing you under her massive weight, as she hugged you into her Huge Pudgy arms, into her huge belly, and Pillowy Breasts, as she kissed you with her Stained Lips!

Hexxie: "Look Y/n-Kun, I got big enough for you Now! Now We can be Together and nothing can stop us!"

You will admit That she's damn Crazy, but she's A Good Kind of Crazy and Now she was Definitely your type so why not!

Y/n: "Sure Hexxie, of course!"

She was still holding onto you, as she began walking off, and you were confused!

Y/n: "H-Hexxie what are you doing?"

Hexxie: "I'm going to take you to my room so we can Cement this Moment Darling~! I can't wait to Taste the Love Nectar of yours~!"



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