Mental Wounds (Emma Frost)

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Your Life Sucks. No, It really does. You came from An Abusive Household, where your Older brother would constantly beat on you, and your parents would never notice, until one day who threw chemical acid in your eyes, and you turned Blind! He was arrested for Assult, and you were taken to the hospital at only 12!

You are 19 Now, and you now Live on Disability checks, in A Dingy Apartment, in NY, Just listening to Music on your Vinyl record Player! Your brother was released from the hospital when you were 18, and he was super Apolpogetic, but you had no idea to forgive him or not!

The Only good thing is thanks to that Acid attack is that you have Superpowers! You can read the world around you by using your feet, Much like Toph from Avatar the Last Airbender, so you go everywhere bare feet as it's the only way you can see, but was it worth it to get superpowers? Probably not.

You were standing there in the Rain like an Idiot because you forgot your umbrella, and you could find the wet pebbles between your toes as you waited for the Bus, but through your powers, you could see A Long Vehicle drive up to you, and A Door open As A Tall and Slender figure walked out of the door carrying an Umbrella, though you can't tell who it was, only that it was A Woman!

Emma Frost's POV 5 Minutes ago...

I was in my Limo Riding through the Streets of Network with me Nibbling on A Hald full of Fries because I had been on the dating rebound

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I was in my Limo Riding through the Streets of Network with me Nibbling on A Hald full of Fries because I had been on the dating rebound. The Life of A Hero and one that is beautiful as me is absolutely A Horrid experience!

First of All, I'm Not exactly the Most trustworthy of People since I used to work for Magneto and People usually consider it to be Invasive when you read their minds, Secondly being A Mutant makes you an Outcast to the regular human Population and you can't post that on your Tinder Bio, and third I'm not exactly in the best shape. I even have to use my Powers to take A Skinnier version of myself so I can keep up appearances.

We could continue driving throughout the city to my penthouse apartment when I Spotted A Blind Young man standing out there at the bus stop, without an umbrella! I quickly got the driver to stop the car, and I quickly got out and began speaking to him!

Emma: "Sir, are you Okay?"

Y/n: "Yeah. Just Blind."

Emma: "Do You... Do you need an Umbrella...?"

Y/n: "No. I like the rain. It disguises my tears."

Emma: "You... Need any help?"

Y/n: "Nope, I'm Just gonna head home as soon as my Bus get here."

He then checks His Pockets, and there was nothing!

Y/n: "Damn No Money for food... I can live."

That was the last straw for me, As My heroic sense Just came in, and I wrapped him up in my coat, and I put him in my Limo before we continued for my Penthouse apartment, and he began to get worried!

Y/n's POV

Okay, Now I was Scared! I was grabbed by someone and now I can't feel the ground around me, because my feet don't touch the ground, and I began getting worried when I feel A Soft hand touch my shoulder!

Emma: "Are you okay?"

Y/n: "Yeah, This was Just sudden. I'm Y/n L/n."

Emma: "Emma Frost."

My eyes widened as I realized that she was that super-rich tycoon from that even richer family, and I began to get nervous again but for different reasons, and she Just placed my Hand on her chest, allowing me to see what she looks like, and she was drop-dead Gorgeous, with Golden Blonde hair, Marble white skin, and Crystal Blue eyes! I have no idea why she would help such A worthless Man like me!

Emma's POV!

I began to read his Mind but I realized that he was full of Mental Trauma and he had such an Abusive Household! I would have killed his brother but he was genuinely sorrowful, so I guess it can slide, but this Poor Man had Suffered so Much, and Now I think it was right to Take care of him, Besides... He's actually pretty cute in that Emo way!

3 Months Later...

Well 3 Months Have Passed, and Now Y/n and I Are Planning to date each other, and I swear it's like he's A Better Happier person! He began hanging out more, Started taking off his Bandages, and even told me about his Powers, in which I told him about mine! And He even had the strength to see his Family again with me coming of course!

But Before our first date, I guess it's time to show him what I really look like so I took him to my Bedroom and Placed his Hand on my Chest so He can see what I look like!

Emma: "Y/n, I have to say I haven't been entirely truthful to you."

Y/n: "You're not A Villain right?"

Emma: "No."

Y/n: "Oh Thank god."

Emma: "I wanted to show you what I really look like, so please don't be disgusted."

Y/n: "Okay."

I then took my True form, and I swear I looked better than I remember, but I was still no beauty!

I then took my True form, and I swear I looked better than I remember, but I was still no beauty!

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Emma: "Here is what I Really Look Like. There's the door, and you can leave if you-"

Just then he suddenly kissed me, as He grabbed handfuls of my belly, and began slipping his tongue into my mouth making me kiss him back, and it started turning into A Hot make-out session when we broke it up and I smiled!

Emma: "You... You don't mind?"


A/N: Sorry I had to do that!

He then began kissing me again, as I almost giggled like A School girl Just kissing Back! I know I made the right choice when I Picked him up that day!

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