Chubby! Male Reader! X BBW! Rachnera

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You are Y/n L/n, and You are an American who is currently living in Japan! You are also A Rather large man thanks to your working-at-home lifestyle and love of Fatty Junk-comfort food! You are around the 300 Lbs mark Making you Possibly the largest guy you know but that would change soon!

You were just living on your own when You were Given A Spider-woman Named Rachnera Arachnera who was A Major tease and A Total Hottie and this is how Your first meeting went down with her Teasing you and Playing with you making you A Blushing mess!

This leads you to your first day with the Spider-woman! You were just sleeping when you Opened your eyes and realized that you were tied up in webs and hanging Upside down over your bed, with your shirt off, and Rachnera somewhere in the shadows!

Y/n: "Rachnera you better let me down or god so help me-!"

Rachnera: "Oh, N/n My little Piggy~ You already figured me out on the first Try~ At least let me Play with you first~"

She then Lowered you down and She began to squeeze your belly fat, and Pinch your nipples as your face turned bright pink, and she Began also Sensually Licking your Cheeks, and slowly moved down to Licking Navel as your Sqeaked!

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She then Lowered you down and She began to squeeze your belly fat, and Pinch your nipples as your face turned bright pink, and she Began also Sensually Licking your Cheeks, and slowly moved down to Licking Navel as your Sqeaked!

She then takes out A Box of Your favorite cookies and Began eating them right in front of you which made you mad!

Y/n: "Hey! Those are my Cookies Rachnera! Put them down!"

Rachnera: "Nuh-Uh-Uh, My Dear Piggy, You have to learn how to share, And I swear this is the best thing I had ever eaten, Especially since I got here. So these come from America you say?"

Y/n: "Yeah, They're from my Home country so what?"

Rachnera: "America sounds like A Great place to live, to be honest, and they have to have plenty of cute guys like you~"

Y/n: "T-Thank you... Mind putting me down now...?"

Rachnera: "Hmm, Sure. Just give A Minute~"

She then walked over to A Web string that was holding you up and she cuts allowing you to fall into her arms, as she once again Licked your cheeks sensually as you Blushed!

Rachnera: "I swear you are just way too cute~"

She then ate another cookie as you noticed that ever after A Day her waistline had expanded by  A Few inches and was almost Pudgy, even though it had just been one day so you decided to ask!

Y/n: "So, Rachnera... Um... Is it Possible for Monster girls to easily put on weight?"

Rachnera: "Huh? Oh yeah, You see My Little Piggy, Monster girls were mostly made to breed and do some of the Housing Tasks, so we're more Prone to putting on weight so we could feed our Babies Calorie rich Milk, Act as Muses for art since being Fat basically means being rich like in the time of the Renaissance, and we even do the Jobs that's don't require much Labor~"

Y/n: "Uh-Huh, And... What did you eat in your native Land before the whole Interspecies deal Whatsitmcjiggerthing...?"

Rachnera: "Oh we usually had A Calorie barren diet of Meats, Grain, and even fruits and Berries. Nothing as good as this processed fat-filled stuff you have. It's like heaven on earth!"

Y/n: "Rachnera I should really tell you-" 'Wait, what am I doing? She gets to tease you sexually for being A "Fat little piggy" all of the time, so maybe it's time to turn the tables. Ohohoho, That's delightfully devilish of you Y/n!'

Rachnera: "Tell me what my Fat little Piggy~?"

Y/n: "I... I wanted to know if you want anything because I plan to make us a big Feast to celebrate your official arrival to my home, and A Proper welcome!"

Rachnera: "Oh, Honey that is so amazing~ Thank you so Much~ I can't wait to try all of the foods your country has to offer back home~ Maybe I can repay my Fat little piggy Later for this little kind Deed~"

Y/n: "Okay, then."

 3 weeks later!

You were sleeping in bed when you heard A Loud creak from your ceiling which would usually be the Attic where Arachne lives, but you decided to ignore it and go back to sleep, Or that was Until A Massive Black and Purple Blob fell on top of you, crashing through the ceiling as it was revealed to be Rachnera who was Rubbing her massive aching Belly!

Rachnera: "Ooooh, I shouldn't have eaten all 36 Baker dozen Batches of Smores cookies, those did not sit well..."

Rachnera: "Honey

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Rachnera: "Honey...? Honey...? Honey where are you...? Oooh, I better get up..."

She then Fired some webs up to the ceiling and she began using all of her strength to try and lift herself up and that have you enough time to roll away from her before her webs gave out and your bed gets smashed again!

Rachnera: "Oh... Oh, Hey Honey, How are you doing...?"

Y/n: "Did you break your bed already? And Mine?"

Rachnera: "Yeah... How is my Little Piggy doing? Come here?"

She then reached over and began hugging you as you returned the favor by hugging her back despite her being twice your size!

Rachnera: "My God I've gotten Fat...!"

Y/n: "You Kidding? You look hotter than ever! I mean you look with all that weight on! Like A Big, comfy, Spider-themed, Marshmallow!"

You then continued to hug as she smiled!

Rachnera: "Oh, Now that's my Honey~ I've noticed you put on A Bit of weight yourself Honey~"

You then noticed that thanks to Rachnera's influence you did put in an extra 20-30 Pounds but you didn't mind as it Just made your hugs softer and Rachnera found you pretty damn cute!

Y/n: "Hey Rachnera?"

Rachnera: "Yeah?"

Y/n: "You think we'll be receiving any more monster girls?"

Rachnera: "Hey, It's Just more people for me and my Honey to tease~"

You then got only your tippy toes and kissed her on the lips as she then turned it into A Long make-out Session and you were both surprised and Aroused! She then broke apart the kiss smiling!

Y/n: "Wowie-Zowie!"

Rachnera: "Yep, Now Please make some more breakfast Honey~ I'm practically Famished over here~"

Big and Chunky (Male Reader X Chubby/BBW Waifu One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now