The Husky Knights Hubby (Brigette)

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Requested by: RebornAstute

Your Name is Y/n L/n, and You are A Member of Overwatch, That comes from New York City (Or whatever the Overwatch equivalent is), and You specialize in Short Ranged Combat and DPS Skills! You are Also A Bit of A Pyromaniac and Loves explosions to the point of creating One explosion every day or else you would threaten to kill yourself because you can't fill your Quota!

Your Weapons and attacks involve A Machate, A Pocket Knife, Nitroglycerine, A Flamethrower, and for A Finale, A Miniature Little Nuke, you named Mr. Happy who can level Several Blocks of City in one shot, so you only ever have one at A Time!

You also Have some Great Synergy with A Northeastern European Woman Named Brigette, who is known as A Modern Day Knight and is really good at An Engineering Armor and Gear, And you two Work so well together! You two work so well together in fact the two of you got Married! The Opinions of Overwatch were split on how the Marriage would work or not with People like Tracer giving you all Happy wishes, and Cassidy was doubtful but 5 Years and it's going strong!

You Arrive Home from Creating Another Huge explosion with Mr. Happy, and you quickly grabbed the Ingredients to Make one of Brigett's favorites, Your Gravy and Meatball's, and thankfully it was A Quick fix, as You heard your big, Beautiful Wife's voice coming from the Armor building room!

Brigette: "Honey is that you?"

Y/n: "Yeah, Brigette it's me! I'm Making you your Favorite! Gravy and Meatballs!"

Brigette: "Great! I Just have to Modify my armor real quick. I keep having to loosen it up A Bit, and I have no idea why. Maybe I should go on A Diet?"

You then decided to tease her!

Y/n: "Well, I guess you don't need my Meatballs then Honey~! I guess I'll just eat them all by myself!"

Brigette: "Hehehehe, Fine Fine, Honey, I'm coming into the Kitchen!"

Just then The Door slammed open, and Your Big, Marshmallowy wife came waddling in, and despite her size, she had A Lot of Muscles underneath, and she can treat the strongest of Opponents like Paperweights, but she is and will always be Your favorite Staypuff Marshmallow Pal!

Brigette: "Here Honey... I am Here...!"

She then Quickly hugged you, as your head was stuck in her Boobs, and Your hands were firmly placed on her Belly, as you both smiled!

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She then Quickly hugged you, as your head was stuck in her Boobs, and Your hands were firmly placed on her Belly, as you both smiled!

Brigette: "Awww, Your such An Adorable Little Pyromaniac and People say You're Insane, but I Know better~"

Y/n: "Yeah, and You're my Stuff Puff Marshmallow Gal~ Hehehehe!"

Brigette: "Now mind telling me wheres those Meatballs are at Honey?"

Y/n: "It's on the stove, I'm Making you some Pasta to go with it!"

Brigette: "You Know me all too Well~"

After A Long dinner and conversation about Her new Armor additions, and your newest explosions for Today, when the Night began to fall over your cottage Home, and soon you were preparing to go into the bed when you found the door closed, and you knocked on it!

Y/n: "Hello?"

Brigette: "Oh Y/n You can come in Now~"

Her voice sounded more sensual than usual, and when you opened the door you were met with the sight, of Bridgette laying on her side on the bed, under the sheets, with nothing on, just barely covering her Chest, as in front of her was A Cherry Pie, and A Fork!

Brigette: "Oh Y/n, I was Just about to eat this, when I realized I'm Simply too Tired to do this By myself, Will my Knight in White Armor come and Help me~"

You just smiled, and got into the Bed, Sitting down right in front of her as She smiled, and began unzipping your Pants!

Brigette: "Oh My, I wonder if your 'Holy Sword' Can Help me Quench My Thirst~ Only one way to Find out~"

The End

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