Stranded (Fem Water Wraith)

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Yeah, I was searching and found these Pictures, Also special thanks to RebornAstute for encouraging me to go back to some older ones! Thanks, Buddy

A Long time ago in the year 20XX, The world had Plunged into A Nuclear war, and it destroyed the entire Planet, but some Humans had escaped and had evolved to deal with space-faring and new Planets! Meanwhile on earth Life had survived and evolved into Brand new species and creatures on the world's Supercontinent Millions of years later!

You are A Future version of a Human with bigger eyes, A Smaller Frame, and Longer more articulate fingers meant for space travel, and Your Name Is Y/n L/n! You left your Planet to be like The Sci-Fi heroes of Old and explore the grand Universe!

One day you were Flying through Space on your Spaceship then some Supernatural occurrence pulled your space crash Landing onto the Former Planet earth! You hate to believe it but legends from across the galaxy say that A Demon known As An Omi-Bozu lives there and loves to capture lonely travelers for god knows what for, and now you were in the midst of its territory!

You woke up from the Crash scene and began searching for your Survival Pack which includes all of the things you need to survive!

Y/n: "Okay Y/n, Listen to yourself there is no Omi-Bozu, It Was Just... A Stray Asteroid... Yeah, A Stray Asteroid. Demon's do not exist. It's Just A Myth."

You then soon found it and also Grabbed your communicator, before heading out to find A Signal to communicate with People outside of the Planet! Just then...


You heard the massive Noise which sent tons of small Animals running away in all directions, and you tried to rationalize this as something non-supernatural!

Y/n: "Okay that was... Radio Signals... Yeah, Radio signals... Nothing wrong here, Hehehehe..."

You then continued on your Trek and had encountered all sorts of strange and mutated Monsters who were all no Bigger than your foot, but you have noticed that something far bigger was running... Or rolling around!

You had seen Some Huge Rolling tracks with small groves in the mud and dirt, along with some crushed Plant-life, and Small ant-Plant-like creatures that made it look like they were all ran over by A Stone steam roller!

Y/n: 'Okay that Must be... A... Boulder... Yes... No Problems here... Now to Continue the search of A Better signal, All I can get is One stinking Bar..."

You continued walking with your fear Rising of something Huge in the Area, but your fears were correct as something was watching you from Afar!

Later you have continued to Travel through the forest when things got pitch black dark, and you were running in fear as something was clearly chasing you, and you soon tripped on top of A Tree root and fell onto the ground about to see A Massive Stone cylinder crush you but Instead Some Blue and liquid-like slapped you across the face Knocking you out!

Much Later...

You Woke up in A Pitch Black cave being only lit up by Some Glowing Mushrooms, and you felt something was Spooning you!

Y/n: "Oh Yeah, Honey that is Great... Keep it up- and  I'm not married and I'm on A Deserted Planet... I better get out of here now..."

You tried sneaking away but The Same Blue liquid thing grabbed you and dragged you back, where the same thing grabbed the two Stone cylinders that nearly crushed you, and you got A Good Look at your captor and it was... A Kinda Creepy looking, Blue Slime Like creature, that you can only assume Must be Omi- Bozu!

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