Saiyan! Male Reader X BBW Chichi & Android 18!!/ Part 2!!

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You Laid down on the ground of your Living room Completely exhausted with your Human Friend Ben watching over you with an Awkward look, and you Tried to speak but you instead breathed more as you could barely feel your jelly-like legs, You were having some massive Migarnes, and your Pelvis was one more pounding away from shattering!

Ben: "So... Long day?"

Y/n: "More like a Long week..."

Ben: "Care to explain?"

Y/n: "Ugh, Where can I begin... Look Chichi and 18 had been constantly wanting A Baby and they've been trying anything that can get that, and I'm almost dead... I swear it's so Bad they used up every kind of lube in the house and are now resorting to Olive Oil, I swear they Broke every bed in the House from them constantly smashing me, and I don't mean fighting...!"

Ben: "Man, I Feel Like A Man Dying of thirst watching another man drown..."

Y/n: "Yeah well, Look I'm all drained out, for now, that's the only reason why they're not pressing me again... I'm all drained out, Like A Water tap in the desert, Pppfft, That's my dick Okay...?"

Ben: "Well, Why don't you... Strategically Pull out?"

Y/n: "I can't they want all of it!"

Ben: "No, I mean to leave and come back when you're,  Um... Recharged!"

Y/n: "Yeah, I wish I can but they always seem to find out whenever I leave, and then when I come back they make things worse."

Ben: "How bad can it be?"


It was around Midnight when you Instantly Transmitted back inside and you snuck around the house, only being able to see your own eyes, about ready to sleep on the couch when he bumped into A Huge, Squishy wall, and he was about to turn around and walk off when he bumped into another one!

Y/n: "Huh? We have some Squishy walls and- Wait... Oh no..."

Chichi/18: "You're not getting out of this one N/n~"


You then were dragged off to the bed

Later Still in A Flashback!

You had come back From Training from A Distant world across Snake's way where you had Pulled into A Hug by Chichi who was demanding where you went!

Chichi: "Honey where have you been!? Did you fight anyone!? Did you get hurt!? Were there any aliens, Demons, Androids!? Anything!?"

Y/n: *Muffled* "Chi-chi Honey calm down, I'm fine..."

Instead of letting you go, she drags you to the kitchen where there was A Huge meal which was the norm for the three of you, and she sat you down, as she sat down on one side, and 18 did on the other! You found this incredibly suspicious but then again... FOOD!

You immediately began munching down on Rice and Sushi when you realized none of your wives are not anything and this had raised several red flags but before you can ask, you realized that they put A Powerful sedative in your food, felt sleepy when 18 Picked you up and Began smooching you on the Lips as Chichi began taking her clothes off!

18: "Being Gone for a song you need to triple your work if we want any Kids~"

Chichi: "Yep~!"

Final Flashback! I Promise!

You were lying in your bed Exhausted from the constant attempts of Babies your two wives were having and like you said they had been trying everything in the Book! 

They were now taking turns having their fun with you, as you Plevis was closing to breaking and you and Chichi were both Naked in bed with her smashing you, as 18 Was Taking her time eating because they read somewhere that A Full stomach makes impregnation easier, and Chichi was getting stressed that you had nothing in the Tank!

Chichi: "Come on, Please Just blow your top already! Why won't you do it!"

Y/n: "I'm fine bone dry... I swear..."

Chichi: "Fine! But We're going to continue this is in an Hour!"

Y/n: "Oh Sweet Kami no..."


Ben: "Whew, Lucky guy Huh?"

Y/n: "You're the definition of luck and Mine are different things..."

Ben: "Look, You gotta tell them to stop!"

Y/n: "AND DIE!?"

Ben: "Look, I'll be there with you! Don't worry!"

Y/n: "Thank you but if you die, it's not my fault..."

Ben then helped you into the Kitchen where your two wives were in A Surprisingly good mood making another Huge meal before you cleared your throat!

Chichi: "Oh, Honey are you okay? You nearly fainted on us!"

Chichi: "Oh, Honey are you okay? You nearly fainted on us!"

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18: "Yeah, we were really worried about you. Honest."

Y/n: "Look Girls, I got something to admit

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Y/n: "Look Girls, I got something to admit... I can't take it anymore! Look Saiyan spirit remains strong but my body is breaking! My Pelvis is crushed, My mind and eyes are fuzzy as hell, I can't feel my legs anymore, and my Tank is empty! Bone-dry! It's like you in the middle of A Desert and you try to get water from A Tap, but it goes Pfft and nothing comes out! That's my Dick! I can't take this anymore! I have to take A Break! Just please don't kill me, I promise to do this Much later!"

18: "Oh, that reminds us we were meaning to tell you something."

Y/n: "Huh?"

Chichi: "We did A Test earlier, Aaaaand..."

Chichi/18: "We're Finally Pregnant!"

Ben: :O

Y/n: "........................................................................ HOW!?!?!?"

One-Shot End!

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