School Rivalry (Shantae & RiskyBoots) (Highschool AU)

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Your Name is Y/n L/n and you go to Scuttletown High which is the Place that harbors A Bunch of weird students such as Harpies, Mermaids, Zombies, Pirates, and even the Schools Most Popular Student, The Half-Genie Hero Shantae who is known for helping out everyone with their Problems and such!

You were also her Best friend since Elementary school and the both of you had been stuck to each other like Glue ever since! It was Currently Gym Class and as you were finished getting dressed in your gym Uniform, you ran out to the class doing some warm-ups, and Shantae waved you over while she was doing some stretches!

Shantae: "Y/n! Over here!"

You looked over at the Tan-skinned, Purple-Haired, Half-Genie Beauty and Produced A Warm smile at how beautiful she looks right now!

You looked over at the Tan-skinned, Purple-Haired, Half-Genie Beauty and Produced A Warm smile at how beautiful she looks right now!

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You then ran over and Began stretching along with her, as she turned to you smiling!

Shantae: "You got any Plans for afterschool Y/n? I mean we could go to the Arcade or maybe the Icecream shop or maybe-"

Y/n: "Sorry But Risky had already asked me to go with her to the Arcade and I would ask you to come too but the last time you both went somewhere together the Place nearly got trashed, Soooo you know..."

Shantae still kept up her smile but inside she was internally cursing herself out because Risky had found another Opportunity to steal you away from her! Risky was the other most Popular girl in school but instead of using her power to help others, she uses it to bully and Opress other students and sometimes even Teachers!

The two have this Constant Rivalry where they constantly try to fight over you and Your Affections and you were none the Wiser about their Antics but everyone else knew so it was like A Well known secret of sorts!

Y/n: "Um... You okay Shantae?"

Shantae: "Just Greeeaaaaaaat... I'm just gonna talk to her Later though..."

Y/n: "Okay then, Just try not to Trash the School and We're good!"

Shantae: "Thank you."

After Gym Class Shantae had walked off to the girls changing room and walked off to see Risky who was getting changed out of her Gym clothes and Shante began to tear into the Blue skinned Pirate!

Shantae: "What do you think You're doing!? Taking away my man!"

Risky: "Your man? Your man!? I think you mean my man! We have been friends longer than you had!"

Risky: "Your man? Your man!? I think you mean my man! We have been friends longer than you had!"

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Big and Chunky (Male Reader X Chubby/BBW Waifu One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now