Fat Women Jumpscare (Vanessa- FNAF Security Breach)

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A/N: I never Played any of the FNAF Games, So I have to look this up on the Wiki. Hope you like what I got anyway. This is Also Requested by RebornAstute 

Well, How can I begin this... Your Name is Y/n L/n, Your 8 Years old, You come from A Pair of Parents who couldn't give A damn About you, As in they were really inattentive, and You were left behind at Your Malls Local Freddy Fazbears, after Closing probably because they didn't notice were left behind, and now they couldn't get you until Morning... Well if they Noticed.

The Big Problem here is that all of the Animatronics came to Life, and they even Began to Hunt you down to Kill you, Along with the Security Guard, Your only friend, and Protector Being The Anamantronic Freddy Fazzbear, and You were now both hiding in The Plastic Tunnels with him As A Few Animatronics came running by!

You were sitting there in the Fetal Position because this was the darkest thing you've ever been in, and Freddy was Just trying to comfort you to the best of his ability despite being A Machine!

You were sitting there in the Fetal Position because this was the darkest thing you've ever been in, and Freddy was Just trying to comfort you to the best of his ability despite being A Machine!

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Freddy: "There, There, Little Y/n, We Just got three more Hours until Morning."

Y/n: "I'm Scared Man, I really am, I just wanna go home."

Freddy: "I thought you didn't want to go home?"

Y/n: "I-I Changed my Mind Man! My Parents may be bad but they're not as bad as this! At least they don't try to Kill me Man, and I don't wanna die!"

Freddy: "Don't worry about it, As Long as I am here, I shall Protect you, even if I have to destroy another Anmatronic, Sing, Dance, or even Put you into my empty chest Cavity, I shall Protect-"

Just then you were grabbed by A Hand and being dragged back through the Plastic rubbing as you were crying!


Freddy: "Uh... I've gotta go! See Ya!"

He then ran off, as you screamed!


Despite all of the grabbing of the sides, the plastic was too slippery to hang onto, and soon You were met with this Huge Woman Security Guard and you were Freaking out because you knew she was going to kill you!


Vanessa: "..."

A/N: You're the Boy she is Carrying

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A/N: You're the Boy she is Carrying

Vanessa's POV

Huh? It was A Little boy? This Adorable, Precious, Little Boy? I know the Glitch says I have to kill him, but Why? He seems Perfectly Harmless, But now He's Crying. I looked at him and Hugged him, which seemed to calm him down, but he seemed A Little weirded out by it at first. Is it because I'm so Big... Or... Has he never had A Hug Before?

Vanessa: "Hey, Kid, Are you Okay? What's Your name?"

Y/n: "M-My Name I-Is Y/n..."

Vanessa: "And Who are your Parents?"

Y/n: "I-I'm not Allowed to say..."

Vanessa: "Why not?"

Y/n: "M-My parents said I'm not allowed to talk to people like you, B-Because they said You'll Kill me for what my Parents Make..."

Vanessa: "And what do they Make?"

Y/n: "I-I don't know... S-Some Leafy Green Stuff... I-In Little Baggies..."

Vanessa: 'WEED!? THEY'RE WEED FARMERS!? I know it's Legal in this State but Their Not even supposed to have it near A Child, That's illegal!!' "L-Listen I'm not going to hurt you alright, You can Trust me."

Y/n: "W-Why should I Trust you, You're going to Kill me!"

Vanessa: "N-No I'm not! Look Y/n, I'm Just gonna Take you to my Office, and Maybe I could Put on A Few Movies for you, while We wait for the Mall To Open up and we can call someone who can help."

Y/n: "R-Really? W-What about F-Freddy?"

Vanessa: "He's... Going to be Okay. 'Goddamnit, I'm going to slaughter that Bear for abandoning A Little child like this!'

I then took Y/n to My Office, where It's the only safe Place from all of the Animatronics As I know they would never hurt me but they would Hurt Y/n, and I quickly and Securely Locked the doors, and Closed the Blinds, as I grabbed my Phone and Played Y/n A Song, that seemed Appropriate for him, and he seemed to really like it.

While He Listening to the song on repeat, I had to clean the Place up since I had several Dozen, Pizza Boxes A Few dozen Liters of Soda, and A Whole lot of Napkin's laying around since you have absolutely nothing to do at the Job since the robots do all of the Jobs killing all of the intruders, and I noticed I have A Full Box of Pepperoni, Stuffed crust Pizza left.

Vanessa: "Hey, Y/n would you Like A Stuffed Crust Pizza?"

Y/n: "Hmmm..."

Y/n's Thoughts:

Vanessa: "Y/n?"

Y/n: "O-Oh Yeah, But only if I get to eat it Backwards. Sorry if that sounds weird..."

Vanessa: "Don't worry I eat mine backward too."

We then began to eat some of that Heavenly good pizza, as I poured him some Pepsi, because... *Grabs Megaphone* PEPSI'S BETTER THAN COKE! And we Ate, all of the leftovers we could until it ran out, and Y/n Will Nursing A Bellyache as I smiled at his cuteness!

Y/n: "ugh... Why did I eat so much?"

Vanessa: "Well Sorry Kid, I guess you had too much, but don't worry, The more you eat the better, then the more you can eat. Well, Morning should come soon Y/n, Um..."

I then began wondering if He actually wants to go back to his Family because since his Parents deal drugs, he seems so scared to receive A Hug, and He seems way happier than ever to be with me, and I have kinda grown Attached to the little guy.

Y/n: "Yes?"

Vanessa: "Y/n, Would you like to stay with me, I mean Until We get to your Parents, and Make sure nothing happens."

He then smiled as He gave me the thumbs up!

Y/n: "Sure, thing Vanessa!"

A/N: Possible Part 2 Happening soon...

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