48 (tw)

90 3 2

trigger warning, gay slurs


Jack walked into school the next day and all eyes were on him. Nothing was said as he walked down the halls, but he knew everyone had heard about what had happened in the bathroom.

Whispers erupted behind him as soon as he walked past anyone, and yet, he smirked as he walked over to Mikey's locker. "Hey you."

"Hey babe," Mikey smirked, "i think everyone knows about yesterday."

"Yeah, i know," he smirked, "wasn't that the plan?"

"It was, yeah. Wasn't sure how you'd feel about it though."

Jack shrugged, "people still know not to fuck with me, so all i care about is that they know i'm yours."

"Good," Mikey smiled and kissed Jack's cheek.


Minus the new whispers and stares Jack kept getting, it was a pretty normal day up until the last class. As Jack waited in the line, absentmindedly flicking through his phone, he was abruptly dragged into the middle of the corridor.

He managed to stick his phone in his pocket as he looked up at the asshole. Blair Dreelan, one of the biggest dickheads in the school, was a year older than Jack and had always known not to fuck with him. Apparently the news from the day before had spread to him and made him think he could be in charge.

Blair threw Jack into the other wall, his head smashing against it, "you're nothing but a fucking faggot afterall, i don't know why everyone is still so scared of you." Jack saw a punch coming, and ducked, slipping away from the wall and shoving the dickhead against it. He smacked his head into the wall and as Blair tried to get away, pinned him to the wall by his neck with his casted arm.

"Just because i let Mikey throw me around, doesn't mean i can't beat you to a fucking pulp," Jack snarled. Blair however, wasn't as dumb as looked and tripped Jack with his foot, making him fall to the floor with a crack as his cast hit the stone floor.

He was on his ass, and he looked up at the bastard in front of him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Mikey watching what was happening.

He tangled his legs in Blair's, and flipped over, making Blair fall to the floor too with a thud. Jack kicked him, then knelt up next to him to punch him in the face. What he should've done, was kneel on his arms, but by the time he'd realised that, he felt a fist hit his nose, making an uncomfortable cracking noise, as it gushed blood all over Jack's shirt.

He pulled away just for a moment, feeling a little dizzy after that; his nose had only just healed up. He felt anger burning inside him, and practically jumped on Blair, who had took the momemt to try and catch his breath. He knelt on his throat and punched him, over and over. Blair's arms only flailed about as he strugged to breathe and Jack used that to his advantage as he repeatedly punched. Soon they were both covered in blood as Jack had probably broken his nose in return, as well as cutting his cheek with the ring he always wore. He didn't intend to stop until the asshole under him stopped moving, but he was harshly dragged away by a teacher before that could happen. The teacher dragged him to his feet and ordered to to the office.

Principal Gibson sighed in defeat as Jack walked in. Everything below his nose was covered in blood, his once white shirt was now mostly red, even the ends of his sleeves were covered, though that wasn't his own.

"What happened now?" the principal glared.

"Blair Dreelan thought he could beat the shit out of me just because Mikey can," he huffed, "i beat the shit out of him. He broke my nose again."

"Yeah, you're gonna have to go to the hospital, Jack, and get that seen to," he eyed him up and down, "they'll probably sort that cast out too."

He looked down at his cast, it was bloody like the rest of him, but it also had a small crack in it near his palm, from the force he'd hit the floor at.

"Would you like Jack or someone else to go with you?" he asked.

"Mikey, if he can be arsed," Jack mumbled, feeling faint again as the adrenaline washed away and the pain in his nose became almost unbearable.

Gibson nodded, "i'll give his teacher a call."


Mikey had gone with him, and spent the whole ride there trying to keep him from losing consciousness. It was ironic, he thought, the last time Jack was in this state, he'd been the one to do it. And no one had been there to stop him, it was only lucky that someone had found Jack laying on the floor, unconscious and bleeding out pretty badly, otherwise he wouldn't still be here.

He'd had an ambulance then too, but Mikey had rolled his eyes when he saw the paremedics check on him, lifting him carefully onto the stretcher and into the back of the vehicle.

This time, he was in the back with him, trying with everything he had to keep him awake. Concussions were nasty, and he didn't deserve another one in the space of a month or so. "Jack, you gotta stay awake, mate," he pleaded, holding his head up as it rested in his lap.

"I'm tired," Jack managed to get out, though it was an almost incoherent mumble.

They arrived at the hospital before the ambulance that was taking Blair. He'd got the first one due to him rebreaking his nose and possibly fucking his cast up.


The teacher that went with them had stayed in the waiting room while Mikey practically carried Jack in to see the doctor.

They returned after about an hour, Jack had a fresh cast on his arm after being cleaned up, and his nose had been bandaged up again. The teacher, Mr Miller, the one who had dragged Jack away, was sitting with Jack's mum, who didn't look pleased about the situation.

While he got a stern talking from his mum, Mikey explained to the teacher what had been going on, without getting them in too much trouble. Blair walking out of another room however, stopped the boys conversations. Jack's mum and Mr Miller turned to see Blair, with a matching broken nose and stitches across his cheek.

Jack smirked at the sight of it, and his mum turned back to him slowly, "is that who you were fighting with?"

"Yeah, he thought he could beat me up just because Mikey did," he nodded, "he couldn't; i didn't fight back with Mike."

She glared at him, "you're still grounded."

"I figured."

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